


  • Pipelike thallus was formed by vertical-division of the middle protonema cells and top-cell kept horizontal-division .

    丝状体顶端以下细胞通过纵分裂形成管状 叶状 ,顶端细胞始终保持横分裂;

  • ( of lichens ) having a thin crusty thallus that adheres closely to the surface on which it is growing . His life jacket buoyed him up .

    (属于地衣的)它的 叶状 薄而脆地紧密依附在或 嵌入其生长的表面。

  • Antithrombotic Effect of Polysaccharide Extracted from Thallus Laminariae on Rats with Endothelial Injury


  • GUS gene transient expression within the P. haitanensis thallus somatic cells ;

    GUS基因在坛紫菜 叶状体体细胞内的瞬时表达;

  • Pyrolytic characteristics of microbial thallus in decomposition of plant residues

    植物残 腐解过程中微生物 菌体热解特性研究

  • The effects of cold preservation temperature and recuperative temperature on the survival and growth of thallus of Porphyra haitanensis were investigated and the relationship of cold preservation time to the survival and growth of thallus was investigated .

    研究了坛紫菜 叶状 阴干后的冷藏温度及冷藏后的恢复培养温度对其存活及生长的影响,同时探讨了不同冷藏时间与叶状体生长、存活的关系。

  • Forming hormogonium is a main reproductive way of Nostoc flagelliforme by thallus .

    形成藻殖段是 发菜体繁殖的主要方式。

  • Study on the Cell Growth Characteristic of Porphyra yezoensis Thallus in Lianyungang

    连云港条斑紫菜 叶状 的细胞发育特性研究

  • Thallus a plant body undifferentiated into stem root or leaf .


  • Effect of 5 chemical fungicides on thallus and spore of Bacillus subtilis NCD-2

    5种化学杀菌剂对枯草芽孢杆菌NCD-2 菌体及芽孢的影响

  • In this research we used the technique to pick up the thallus directly from apple surface under a stereomicroscope .

    本研究使用直接 挑取 菌体 分离技术进行了尝试,分离成功率高。

  • The Energetic Dynamic Characteristics of Decaying Substances and Microbe Thallus in Decaying of Plant Residues

    植物残体腐解中腐解物和微生物 菌体的能态特征

  • But photostability of thallus is better than that of filament which means sheath can protect cells form radiation .

    耐光性 比藻丝 强,说明在野外胶鞘对保护发菜免受强辐射伤害有重要意义。

  • Study of ~ ( 60 ) Co - γ irradiation and monoclone culture in thallus of Porphyra haitanensis

    ~(60)Co-γ射线辐照坛紫菜 叶状 及单克隆培养的研究

  • Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy . type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae ; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus .

    叶状地衣的属于或关于其 叶状 是扁平且多叶的苔藓的球蒴苔科的模式属;地钱,具有小的多数情况下呈叶状环形叶状体。

  • Type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae ; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus .

    球蒴苔科的模式属;地钱,具有小的多数情况下呈叶状环形 叶状

  • Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy .

    叶状地衣的属于或关于其 叶状 是扁平且多叶的苔藓的。

  • Type genus of the family Ulvaceae ; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick : sea lettuce .

    石莼科的模式属;绿色海藻具有两个细胞厚度的 叶状 ;海莴苣。

  • The study was carried out in 1984-1987 . The somatic cells of thallus were isolated by enzymolysis from Porphyra haitanensis then cultivated in MES medium .

    本项研究于1984&1987年进行。用酶解法将坛紫菜 叶状体体细胞分离出来,然后用液体培养基培养。

  • Composed of filaments or plates of cells a thallus ranges in size from a single-celled structure to a complex treelike form .


  • After centrifugation broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope .

    离心肉汤培养物,取沉淀涂片复红染色,光镜下观察 菌体形态变化。

  • Anti-proliferation effects of active components fucoxanthin from Thallus japonica on seven kinds of human cancer cells


  • Any of several green algae of the genus Ulva having a membranous leaflike irregularly shaped thallus sometimes used in salads .

    一种石莼属的绿色海藻,有膜状叶形的不规则的 叶状 ,经常用在沙拉中。

  • The paper reported sensitivity test of thallus cells of Porphyra haitanensis to four common used organic solvents methanol ethanol isopropanol and 1 .

    分析了坛紫菜 叶状 细胞对甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇、1丙二醇等4种有机溶剂的敏感性。

  • Homothallism A condition found in some algae and fungi in which each thallus is self-compatible .

    这是一种在藻类和真菌中常见的现象,每一个 叶状 具有自交亲和性。

  • Antidiabetic Effect of Thallus laminariae Oligosaccharide on Type 2 Diabetic Rats


  • Any of a group of cryptogamic organisms consisting principally of a thallus and thus showing no differentiation into stem and root and leaf .

    任何种类的隐花有机体,主要由 叶状 组成,根茎叶无区别。

  • The thesis is based on the research of the effect of several metal ions on the growth and differentiation of the cells of Porphyra haitanensis thallus though enzyme digestion .

    本文研究了海洋中的几种常见金属离子对坛紫菜酶法育苗过程中细胞生长分化的影响以及它们对坛紫菜 叶状 中捕光色素和 蛋白 含量的影响。

  • This article reports the study of cleavage and differentiation and monoclone culture of the somatic cells which were enzymic-degraded from thallus of Porphyra haitanensis after inducing mutation by () ~ ( 60 ) Co - γ ray irradiation .

    本文报道了坛紫菜 叶状 经60Coγ射线辐照后,用酶解方法获得离体细胞,观察了体细胞的分裂分化及进行单克隆培养 叶状