terminal test

[计] 终端测试

  • The technologies of intelligent expert test bank intelligent display of the monitoring terminal and intelligent test control in the automatic test design of the test system were analyzed .

    分析了系统自动测试设计中应用的智能专家测试库、监控 终端的智能显示和智能化 测试控制模式等技术。

  • The test is divided into test server and terminal test .

    测试分为服务器测试和 终端 测试以及它们之间的联合 测试

  • Terminal Test of Code Domain for TD-SCDMA Based on Virtual Instrument

    基于虚拟仪器的TD-SCDMA 终端码域 测试

  • Firstly paper makes simple introduction to the topic background and the research status at home and abroad and introduces the related theories of the Android raising the related concept of the Android tablet computer terminal automation test .

    论文对国内外研究现状以及Android相关的理论等做了简单的介绍,引出了Android平板电脑 终端自动化 测试的相关技术。

  • The Finish Line Terminal test desensitization therapy for treatment of 205 cases of vernal conjunctivitis

    终点 测试脱敏法治疗春季结膜炎205例

  • On the basis of in-depth study of the terminal test the definition of the transmitter RF Conformance Test Project test indicators test principles and methods testing process and testing requirements were analyzed and summarized .

    并在深入研究 终端 测试的基础上,对射频一致性测试项目中发射机的主要测试指标的定义、测试原理和方法、测试过程和测试要求进行了分析总结。

  • At last I use simulative terminal program to test the KMS .

    最后,使用模拟的 终端程序对密钥管理服务器程序进行了 测试

  • This thesis is about the design and implementation of TD-LTE / TD-SCDMA dual-mode handover test cases based on TD-LTE terminal RRM conformance test system .

    本文主要关注TD-LTE 终端RRM一致性 测试系统上的TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA切换测试用例的设计与实现。

  • Research and Application of Smart Meter and Smart Terminal Communication Protocol Test Platform

    智能电能表及智能 终端通信规约 测试平台的研究与应用可读测试仪表子系统

  • Development of MAC-hs Test Cases Related to TD-SCDMA Terminal Protocol Conformance Test System

    TD-SCDMA 终端协议一致性 测试系统MAC-hs测试例的开发

  • At present the author participating in the development of automation calibration software basic has realized automatic calibration needs has been used in datang mobile laboratory calibration terminal comprehensive test instrument is preparing to push on to Shanghai products division industrialization calibration use .

    目前,作者参与开发的自动化校准软件基本实现了自动校准的需求,已经用于大唐移动实验室校准 终端综合 测试仪,正准备推往上海产品部进行产业化校准使用。

  • The paper elaborates on the parameters measurement and analysis as well as the methods of its realization for terminal ballistic test based on digital image processing technology . These can lighten the labor intensity of manual measuring and improve the accuracy of parameters measurement .

    论文详细阐述了基于数字图像处理技术的 终点弹道 试验中参数测量与分析及其实现方法,降低了人工测量的劳动强度,提高了参数测量的准确性。

  • The paper simply presents the composition and function of the radar terminal test bench . It elaborates how to use the computer automatic testing technique to realize the failure location of the single-chip microcomputer system .

    简单介绍雷达 终端 测试台的组成及功能,主要阐述如何利用计算机自动测试技术实现对单片机系统的故障定位。

  • In the extensive number of terminal test conformance testing is one of the most complex and the most important link .

    在广泛开展的众多 终端 测试中,协议一致性测试是最复杂和最重要的一类测试。

  • Finally an experiment is made on this test item in a simulation terminal test environment .

    最后模拟 终端 测试环境,对指标进行了测试。

  • At last summary is made as well as the scope for the evolvements and challenges of TD-SCDMA terminal test set .

    最后对全文进行总结,并展望TD-SCDMA 终端 测试仪的发展以及为 测试仪表带来的挑战。

  • Cdma 1x Terminal Test

    cdma1x 终端 测试

  • The wireless terminal integrated test system with test terminal RF performance and basic call / audio function plays an essential role in a series of work such as R & D production and certification .

    无线 终端综合 测试系统具备测试终端射频性能和基础的呼叫/音频功能的能力,在终端的研发、生产、认证等一系列工作中发挥着不可忽视的作用。

  • Introduction was made to three phase dual speed asynchronous motor 's stator winding normally used △ / 2Y Y / 2Y and 2Y / 2Y three wiring methods stator wiring terminal test methods were separately given . These methods result in good effect in practical use .

    介绍了三相双速异步电动机的定子绕组常用的△/2Y、Y/2Y与2Y/2Y三种接法,分别给出了定子绕组接线 检测方法,这些方法在实用中收到了好的效果。

  • In this paper a method to determine and calculate terminal test load is pointed out for adjusting brake rope parachute gear for cage hoisting in auxiliary shaft . The application of the method is also presented combining with the detail example .

    文中提出了副井罐笼提升制动绳防坠器调整时 终端 试验荷重的确定理论与计算方法,并结合具体实例介绍了这一方法的应用。

  • Experimental test main introduced wristband information acquisition terminal test platforms and tested information acquisition terminal function .

    实验测试主要介绍了腕带式信息采集 终端 测试平台及信息采集终端的功能测试。

  • Later we try to detailed testing and assessment on mobile terminal for cinema ticketing system including three parts : database encryption test simulator test and mobile terminal test .

    论文后期对移动终端影院购票系统进行详细的测试和评估工作,包括三部分:数据库加密测试,系统模拟器测试和 真机 测试

  • Then it introduced the current mainstream standard which leads to the system involved in the WLAN terminal type approval test items and test methods test items described in detail and the definition and purpose of the test manual testing process .

    然后介绍了当前主流标准,从而引出本系统涉及的无线局域网 终端型号核准 测试项目和测试方法,详细介绍了测试项目的定义和测试目的手动测试方案。

  • 3G Mobile Terminal Field Test

    3G 终端场地 测试

  • The terminal instruments test parameters of local mobile communication network . These parameters will be sent to the center by different short messages according to the protocol .

    终端监测仪 测试所在位置的移动通信网络的通信参数,根据不同的数据类型,按照协议,生成不同格式的短消息,发送到监控中心;

  • Determination of Terminal Test Load of Brake Rope Parachute Gear for Cage Hoisting in Auxiliary Shaft

    副井罐笼提升制动绳防坠器 终端 试验荷重的确定

  • In the experiment of Advanced Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution System ( AEPDS ) Terminal Built-in Test Equipment ( TBTE ) is one of the most important equipments which can not only simulate all remote terminal loads ' work-states but also monitor the buses ' power quality .

    为了加快先进飞机配电系统的设计,需要一个既能够仿真系统 终端多路负载和汇流条各种工作状态,又能对汇流条进行电能质量监测的实验装置,以便进行地面实验和 测试工作。

  • TD-LTE terminal test instrument is TD-LTE industry chain important one annulus in terminal development and production process plays a very important role .

    TD-LTE 终端 测试仪表是TD-LTE产业链里重要的一环,在终端研发和生产过程中起到了十分重要的作用。

  • With the rapid development of TD-LTE industry the research and development of the terminal test system is an important part of the whole industry chain .

    在TD-LTE产业迅速发展的过程中, 终端 测试系统的研发是整个产业链的一个重要环节。

  • This article mainly introduces the communication industry requirements of cdma 1x terminal test .

    本文主要介绍了目前行业内对cdma1x 终端 测试要求。