terminal value

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈvælju][ˈtə:minəl ˈvælju]


  • Both pollution and ecological crisis would be inevitable if the plundering and conquering of nature which serve the satisfaction of desire were held as the terminal value of a civilization .

    一种文明如果把掠夺和征服自然(以便使人的无穷欲望得到满足)视为自己的 价值 圭臬,那么,环境污染与生态危机的出现就是必不可免的。

  • We recognize that there are times when a real out-of-band terminal server can be of value .

    我们意识到,有时候真正的带外 终端服务器是很有 价值的。

  • Adapted Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations for Terminal and Boundary Value Problems with Poisson Jumps

    带Poisson跳随机微分方程 终值与边 问题的适应解

  • The gas station is a carrier of refined oil retail business is the terminal part of the industry value chain is the representatives of the image of the petroleum sales enterprises and is the forward position of the market game .

    加油站是成品油零售业务的载体,是产业 价值链的 终端环节,是石油销售企业的形象代表,是市场博弈的前沿阵地。

  • The monitoring software of unified dispatching complete the remote control command receiving high power amplifier switching machines ranging transponder zero value test and control terminal station zero value test and calculate the control station equipment and the actual distance of zero .

    在监控软件的统一调度指挥下,完成遥控指令的接收、高功放的开关机、测距转发、校零 终端的零值测试和 测控站的 零值测试,并计算出测控站设备的实际距离零值。

  • Result shows that many backgrounds of social culture on terminal sports value social sports value and instrumental sports value have a great influence upon the residents of small towns in Shanxi Province .

    结果显示,山西省小城镇居民在 终极性体育 价值 、社会性体育价值观和工具性体育价值观3个方面,受多种社会文化背景的影响。

  • Maximal and minimal solutions of terminal value problems for differential equations in Banach Spaces

    Banach空间一阶微分方程 终值问题的解

  • The purpose of this paper is to study the terminal value problem for ordinary differen-ial equations that are discontinuous on their right hands in Banach spaces by using noncompact measures .

    本文以非紧致度为工具,研究了Banach空间中具有不连续右端的常微分方程的 终值问题,得到了解的存在性定理。

  • In this paper by using the monotone iterative technique with Upper and Lower and Partial Order methods we study the existence and uniqueness solutions of terminal value problems for integro-differential equations in Banach spaces .

    利用上下解的单调迭代方法及半序理论讨论了Banach空间积-微分方程 终值问题解的存在性。

  • With the growing integration and globalization of world economy market competition is becoming more and more intense . After the competition of product and terminal competition value chain competition has come .

    随着世界经济日趋一体化和全球化,市场竞争日益激烈,在经历了产品竞争和 终端竞争之后, 价值链竞争时代已经到来。

  • Results show that there is significant positive relationship between estimated implied terminal value 、 realized implied terminal value and future abnormal earnings ;

    研究结果表明,估计的内在 终值和实际实现的内在终值都与预期超额收益存在显著正相关;

  • Management object of supply chain management ( SCM ) is integral supply chain . Its main goal is to create value for terminal customers and share value return of the customers through harmonizing and optimizing each segment of supply chain .

    供应链管理以整个供应链作为管理对象,其根本目的是通过协调、优化供应链上的各个环节,为 最终客户创造价值,并享受客户的 价值回报。

  • There are two factors influencing the establishment of the system : first the traditional security concept just considers the instrumental value while neglects the terminal value ;

    中国农民社会保障体制迟迟没有建立的原因有二:其一,传统社会保障理念仅考虑到其工具价值,忽视了 目的 价值

  • Wireless data service will increase the usage of the terminal and increase the ARPU value of the carrier heavily .

    无线数据业务的应用将大大提高手机的使用频率,可以大幅度提高运营商的 ARPU

  • Calculating the present value is in fact the process of deducting profits from terminal value and calculating capital .

    计算现值实际上是从 终值中扣除利润、计算本金的过程。

  • With the terminal value of the partial derivative for boundary variates and their differetial equation the variates can be solved by backward derivation of the differetial equation .

    有了边界变量偏导数的 终端 以及它们适合的微分方程,就可以由终端反向积分这些微分方程求解出这些变量来。

  • Practice has proved that the design proposal of advertising terminal has a high utility value and a good test result .

    实践证明,该广告 终端设计方案的实用 价值比较高,运行效果良好。

  • The Method of Quasi-upper and Low Solutions for Terminal Value Problems of Differential Equations with Discontinuous Terms

    含间断项的微分方程 终值问题的拟上下解方法

  • Existence of the solutions of terminal value problems for first order differential equation on infinite interval in Banach spaces

    无穷区间上Banach空间常微分方程 终值问题解的存在性

  • Using separation theorem of convex set and the time terminal value function equation we obtain the determining method of optimal terminal time as well as the Maximum principle .

    由凸集分离定理及 终端时间 阈值函数方程,我们获得了最大值原理及最优控制时间的确定方法。

  • Circuits for signal collection have been given to measure the stator terminal voltage and current value .

    同时也设计了信号采集电路,用于测量控制系统所需的三个定子 电压信号和相电流 反馈信号。

  • An Empirical Study on the Related Problems of EBO Model 's Implied Terminal Value

    EBO模型内在 终值相关问题的实证研究

  • Terminal value problems of first order DEFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACE

    Banach空间中&阶微分方程的 终值问题

  • From the terminal value theorem of the Laplace transform the terminal distributions for the stress and the damage were gotten .

    同时根据Laplace变换的 终值定理,得到圆环或圆筒的终态应力和损伤增量的分布。

  • Calculated results of practical examples show that the difference between the results calculated by terminal value alpha and those by effervescence point is only | Δ y | < 10 ~ ( - 3 ) for a point .

    实例计算表明:α 法与泡点法计算结果相差甚微,两者对应点y值之差Δy<10~(-3)。

  • By using of the new comparison principle and the order theory the author investigates the existence of maximal and minimal solutions of terminal value problems for second order nonlinear integro-differential equation in Banach space obtains the new results .

    利用新的比较定理和半序理论,研究Banach空间二阶非线性积分-微分方程 终值问题最小解和最大解的存在性,获得了新的结果。

  • More accurate criterion for the terminal of backwater will get a greater extreme value of backwater length ; while rough criterion for the terminal backwater may lead extreme value in the range of backwater length variation to vanish .

    回水末端的位置精度越高,回水长度极值就越大,当 末端标准精度较低时,在一定范围内回水 极值现象可能不再出现;

  • It should include two parts & finite horizon forecast and terminal value computation in the model .

    因为在实证研究中,预测模型都包括有限区间的预测和和在预测期 终止时对 终止 价值的计算。