thank heaven

[θæŋk ˈhɛvən][θæŋk ˈhevn]


  • Oh thank goodness for that ! Oh thank heaven ! Thank God for that .

    谢天谢地! 谢天谢地!感谢老天爷。

  • Thank heaven it 's cooled down a little .


  • Oh thank heaven he is back .

    哦, 谢天谢地,他回来了。

  • Lord thank you that even now we taste heaven 's joys as we move toward the day when we 'll live with you forever .

    主啊,我们越来越接近永远与祢同住的那一天,就是在此刻,我们已能尝到 天堂的喜乐,我们 感谢祢。

  • Dear Lord thank you that through Jesus the door to the kingdom of heaven has been opened .

    亲爱的主, 感谢祢,因为通往 天国的门已借着耶稣打开了。

  • Thank you gracious Lord for the cross that says Welcome ! to dying criminals and to us who have no more claim on heaven than the crucified thief had .

    恩慈的主, 感谢祢,因祢的十架写着「欢迎」,给垂死的罪犯和我们,但我们并不比那钉十架的盗贼更配得上 天堂

  • I would thank heaven if he wouldn 't come to me for help .

    要是他不来找我帮忙的话,我可就 了。

  • Oh thank Heaven the Emersons are in Macon !

    啊, 谢天谢地,埃默生一家都到梅肯去了。

  • Thank heaven it was only a dream !


  • Thank heaven that you have come .

    感谢 老天 ,你可来了。

  • Thank heaven that as Shakespeare wrote ; love looks not with the eyes but with the mind .

    感谢 上帝,正如莎士比亚所写的:“爱不在眼睛中,而在心里。”

  • Mary and Kitty thank Heaven ! are quite well .


  • Thank heaven nobody was injured in the crash .


  • I thank God for you every day because I know you 're heaven sent you are my angel .

    我为你而每天都 感激上天,因为我知道你是 上天 赐予我的礼物,你是我的天使。

  • However for many Indians this isn 't the first time that people gather to thank heaven experience .

    但是,对许多印第安人来说,这并不是第一次人们齐聚一堂 感谢 上天的经验。

  • Thank heaven I found you berger .


  • At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes .

    那时,耶稣说,父阿, 天地的主,我 感谢你,因为你将这些事,向聪明通达人,就藏起来,向婴孩,就显出来。

  • Thank Heaven !


  • Don 't make a fool of yourself child and thank Heaven for all the kindness that has been shown to you .

    孩子!你不要自以为了不起!你现在得到这些照顾,就应该 感谢 上帝