


  • One of the oldest intellectual defenses of theism is I the cosmological argument also known as the argument from first cause .


  • Being opposite between theism and atheism the mutual receptivity still remains between theism and atheism .


  • The same applies to ideology idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism .

    意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替 神论

  • Only upholding scientific materialism fighting against idealism standing for atheism and resisting theism are we able to expel God defeat ghosts and abolish superstition .

    只有坚持科学唯物论,反对唯心论,主张无神论,拒斥 神论,才能驱逐上帝,战胜魂灵,革除各种迷信。

  • Inscriptions iconographic evidence and literary references point to the emergence of devotional theism in the 2nd century BC .

    碑铭、肖像的证据,还有参考文献表明,虔诚的 神论在公元前二世纪浮现。

  • On Persevering In & Surpassing Idea Of Bill Causality ; One of the oldest intellectual defenses of theism is I the cosmological argument also known as the argument from first cause .

    票据有因性观念的坚守与超越&对 真实 交易 背景 规则 辩护 神论最老的理性辩护之一是宇宙成因论,也称第一推动力论。

  • At the same time Theism is the foundation of all that follows for1 could not make sense of the idea of revelation if I did not first believe that there is a God to be revealed .

    可是同时, 神论 却是 本文在下面的申论的基础,这就是说,如果我不首先相信有一个上帝有待我们揭露,所谓揭露或启示就毫无意义可言。

  • The formation of Marxist religious criticism theory experienced three periods : insisting on theism separating from theism believing in materialism atheism .

    马克思宗教批判理论的形成历经了有 神论 与有神论的决裂再到唯物主义的无神论阶段。

  • Modernity he argues implies a huge range of possible ways of thinking including many variations of theism and atheism .

    他认为,现代性意味着种种不同的可能思维方式,包括以各种面目 出现 神论和无神论。

  • Since the birth of the theism the contradiction and conflict between theism and atheism has never stopped This conflict is the special form of the conflict between materialism and idealism in the history of philosophy .

    自有 神论产生以来,无神论和有神论的对立与斗争,就从无间断过,它是哲学史上唯物论和唯心论对立与斗争的特殊表现形式。

  • A key problem of Chinese philosophy is ancient Chinese body and spirit conception which is under discussion in academic circles about its significance in opposing theism and clarifying the fundamental question of philosophy .

    中国古代形神观是中国哲学中的一个重要问题,学术界已从反 神论、搞清哲学基本问题等方面展开对它的讨论,并确定其在这些方面的意义。

  • This is simply a confusion of words and concepts : the rationality of theism does not stand on the scripture of any religion .

    这完全是词语和概念的一种混淆: 神论的理性和任何宗教的经文并不一致。

  • For simplicity belief in God will be identified with theism and with the assertion God exists .

    为了简单起见,我把上帝信仰等同于有 神论和关于上帝存在的断言。

  • Here comes in the question of money Theism remains however .

    这里存在着钱的问题。但是 神论还是存在着。

  • In the aspect of his world outlook he bellwavered between antitheism and theism . He grew up from a Protestant to an antitheist but his antitheism has a firm brand of faith .

    世界观方面,他在无神论与 神论之间徘徊,他由一个新教徒成长为一个无神论者,但是他的无神论永远都打着宗教信仰的烙印。

  • And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism .

    不可知论者通常 介于 神论与无神论之间的那 部分人。

  • Today many respected scientists no longer embrace materialism but now embrace theism especially Christianity as the only worldview that fits the current scientific data .

    如今,许多著名的科学家不再拥有唯物论观念,而是相信 神论,特别是基督信仰,以此为有当代科学依据的世界观。

  • We allow opinions to be varied among the people that is there is freedom to criticize to express different views and to advocate theism or atheism .

    我们在人民内部,是允许舆论不一律的,这就是批评的自由,发表各种不同意见的自由,宣传 神论和宣传无神论的自由。

  • In addition New Theism has coined law of eternal soul and law of primordial spirit to destroy modern science .


  • Atheism is a kind of religious perspectives it is a theory that explains the essence of religion as well as a theoretical weapon for criticizing theism ;

    无神论是一种宗教观,它既是研究阐明宗教本质的学说,又是批判 神论的理论武器;

  • The difference between theism and atheism should not lead to antagonism between theists and atheists .

    不能因为 神论和无神论的差异而导致信神者与不信神者的对立。

  • Although most employees agree with the scientific atheism a high proportion of them simultaneously believe in theism ;

    多数企业员工认同科学无神论,但其中信仰 神论的人数比例高;

  • Is argument from order / design a valid way to argue for Christian theism ?

    从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教 神论的途径吗?

  • Karl Jaspers is a German philosopher of theism existentialism whose philosophy of existential education pays close attention to human psyche .

    雅斯贝尔斯是德国有 神论存在哲学家,他的存在主义教育哲学十分关注人的灵魂。

  • The usual theism is more insipid .

    平常的 神论则更淡而无味了。

  • Theism is harmful to society as it leads to intolerance and persecution .


  • Blast theory and atheism & why doesn 't blast theory help theism ?

    大爆炸宇宙论与无神论&大爆炸理论 缘何无助于 神论

  • These unique methods became powerful weapons for Wang Chong to animadvert on theism .

    王充这些独具特色的方法,成为他批判 神论的有力武器。

  • Theology concerns the overall contents of all aspects of theism and it is not an exclusive province of Christianity .

    神学是 神论 思想的全部内容,并非基督教的专利。