



  • Thanks a lot Suzie . You 've been great .


  • It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise .

    净资产的确增长了,但这与政府 无关

  • I was wrong thank God

    原来我错了, 感谢上帝。

  • We give thanks for this food .

    感谢 上帝赐给我们食物。

  • Thank you very much for your call

    非常 感谢您的来电。

  • We know where we can get it thank you very much .

    我们知道在哪儿能买到, 谢谢

  • ' Would you like a cigarette ? ' — ' No thank you . '

    “要来支烟吗?”——“不了, 谢谢。”

  • Thank you . That 's very thoughtful of you


  • ' A whisky ? ' — ' I 'd better not thanks . '

    “来杯威士忌?”——“还是不要了, 谢谢。”

  • I must thank you for being so kind to me

    我很 感激你对我这么好。

  • Thank you . You 've been a great help already .


  • ' It 's great to see you . ' — ' Thanks . Same to you . '

    “看见你很高兴。”——“ 谢谢,我也是。”

  • The policeman smiled at her . ' Pretty dog . ' — ' Oh well thank you . '

    警察冲她笑了笑,“这狗真漂亮。”——“哦, 谢谢。”

  • We would like to thank them for their patience and understanding .

    我们要 感谢他们的耐心和理解。

  • For all this I have only you to thank .

    这一切我都得 感谢你才是。

  • Thanks for the information


  • They accepted their certificates with words of thanks .

    他们一边 道谢,一边接过证书。

  • Thank heavens we have you here .


  • I consider it my duty to write to you and thank you .

    我认为写信向你 表达 谢意是我的责任。

  • Thanks to recent research effective treatments are available .


  • When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges .

    判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人 法官们 表示 感谢

  • It is thanks to this committee that many new sponsors have come forward

    又有许多赞助商找上门来,这要 归功于这个委员会。

  • I can stir my own tea thank you

    我的茶我自己会搅, 谢谢

  • Well thank you for speaking with us .

    好吧, 谢谢你和我们谈话。

  • I thanked them for their long and loyal service


  • ' His eyes were glassy ? ' — ' And dilated . They were watery . ' — ' Thank you . '

    “他的眼神呆滞?”——“还双眼圆睁,泪汪汪的。”——“ 谢谢!”

  • Thank you you'vebeen most helpful .


  • Oh thank you so much ! They 're so pretty !

    哦,太 感谢你了!它们真漂亮!

  • ' You 'd like a cup as well would you Mr Secombe ? ' — ' Thank you Jane I 'd love one . '

    “塞科姆先生,你也想来一杯吧?”——“ 谢谢,简,我确实想来一杯。”

  • I have her to thank for my life

    我这条命 多亏了她。