testosterone propionate

[tɛsˈtɑstəˌron ˈpropiəˌnet][tesˈtɔstərəun ˈprəupiəneit]


  • Objective : To investigate the changes of neurofilament protein ( NFP . in facial nucleus after facial nerve impact injury and the effects of testosterone propionate ( TP ) on them .

    目的:研究面神经撞击伤后面神经核内神经丝蛋白(NFP200)的变化及 丙酸 睾丸 (TP)治疗的影响。

  • A Clinic Study of Testosterone Propionate Treatmemt in Patients With Unstable Angina

    丙酸 睾丸 治疗不稳定型心绞痛临床研究

  • Effect of testosterone propionate on prostatic epithelial cell in castration beagle canine

    丙酸 睾酮对去势beagle犬前列腺上皮细胞的影响

  • Method : An experimental model of prostatic hyperplasia of castrated male mice induced by testosterone propionate was made .

    方法:采用 丙酸 睾酮诱导的去势雄性小鼠前列腺增生为动物模型。

  • Therapeutic Effect of Cyclosporin A Combined with Testosterone Propionate on Chronic Aplastic Anemia

    环孢菌素A联合 丙酸 睾酮治疗慢性再生障碍性贫血的疗效分析

  • Purpose : To discuss the evaluation of the animal model of BPH ( Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ) by the method of testosterone propionate muscle injection and the effect of acupuncture on the level of sex hormone of the BPH model .

    探讨 丙酸 睾酮所致BPH动物模型的应用价值及针刺对BPH动物模型性激素水平的影响。

  • Objective To study the effect of testosterone propionate ( TP ) on the distribution pattern of calcitonin gene-related peptide ( CGRP ) in two types of motoneuron ( Mn ) pools in rats .

    目的探讨 丙酸 睾丸 对大鼠两种不同功能运动神经元群降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)配布式样的影响。

  • Effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice

    丙酸 睾酮对小鼠精母细胞减数分裂前期Ⅰ分裂象影响

  • AIM To investigate whether 50 μ g · kg ~ - 1 estradiol can inhibit the proliferation of hyperplastic prostate induced by testosterone propionate ( TP ) .

    目的明确50μg·kg-1雌二醇对 丙酸 睾酮诱导的前列腺增生是否具有抑制作用。

  • Results : Estradiol production in cultured mouse ovarian granular cells was related to the concentration of testosterone propionate and its cultured time .

    结果:体外培养的小鼠卵巢颗粒细胞雌激素生成与加入丙 的浓度及时间有关, 生成E2所需的 睾酮 浓度50uM作用时间为 48 小时

  • The effect of testosterone propionate upon human placenta and the pituitary ovary placenta of rat were studied .

    本文研究了 丙酸 睾丸 对人早期胎盘的绒毛、蜕膜及大鼠的胎盘、脑垂体、卵巢的影响。

  • We studied the effect of testosterone propionate ( TP ) on the ultrastructure of rat testis morphology The result showed that a high dose of exogenous TP caused inhibitory testis morphology change in the ultrastructure .

    本文研究了 丙酸 睾酮对大鼠睾丸形态超微结构的影响.结果发现:大剂量外源性丙酸睾酮可使睾丸出现抑制性超微结构的形态学改变。

  • Supplement of testosterone propionate 5 or 20 mg / kg restored the ratioes to varying degrees .

    补充5或20mg/kg 丙酸 睾丸 使上述比值发生不同程度的恢复。

  • After subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate hepatic P-450 content and demethylase activity restored in male ATx rats .

    给雄性ATx大鼠皮下注射 丙酸 睾丸 可使其肝微粒体MFO活力恢复。

  • OBJECTIVE To explore action mechanism of total flavonoids from Bastard Speedwell ( TFBS ) on prostatic hyperplasia rats model induced by castration and testosterone propionate .

    目的探讨水蔓菁总黄酮对去势加 丙酸 睾酮致前列腺增生大鼠模型的作用特点。

  • Effect of testosterone propionate and mifepristone on ultrastructure of human decidua and chorion in early pregnancy

    丙酸 睾丸 、米非司酮对早孕蜕膜、绒毛组织超微结构的影响

  • Low concentration ( 20 mg / kg ) of testosterone propionate on the reversal of rice-field eel had no significant promotion however high concentrations ( 40 mg / kg ) can promote the reversal of rice-field eel .

    低浓度(20mg/kg)的 丙酸 睾酮对黄鳝性逆转无显著促进作用,而高浓度(40)对黄鳝性逆转有促进作用。

  • Different concentrations of testosterone propionate can inhibit the serum estradiol and also can stimulate the increase of serum testosterone levels .

    不同浓度的 丙酸 睾酮能抑制黄鳝血清雌二醇的 分泌,而能刺激血清睾酮含量的提高。

  • Conclusion : The function of sex gland axis and serum sex hormone were probably disturbed by injecting testosterone propionate to the female rats of 9 days old .

    结论: WIStarg日龄雌性大鼠在给予 外源雄激素后,可能影响性腺轴和血清性激素而导致无 排卵

  • Determination of Testosterone Propionate in Swine Urine by LC - MS

    LC-MS法分析猪尿液中的 丙酸 睾酮

  • Effect of Testosterone Propionate on Apoptosis of Rat Germ Cells

    睾酮 避孕药对大鼠生精细胞凋亡的影响

  • AR in different parts can play different effects at least in the brain testosterone propionate can play a anti-aging effect by AR but in the vascular tissue androgen increased the degree of inflammatory response .

    不同部位的AR途径所发挥的效应不同,至少在大脑中, 丙酸 睾酮通过AR可发挥抗脑老化的效应,而在血管组织中则会加重炎症损伤。

  • Conclusion Testosterone propionate plays a positive role in meiosis and maturation of spermatocyte in mice .

    结论 丙酸 睾酮能促进小鼠睾丸精母细胞减数分裂和成熟。

  • Methods Polycystic ovarian sterility model of mice was made by testosterone propionate . Qi-deficiency model and blood deficiency model of mice were prepared by starvation and hemolysis respectively .

    方法用 丙酸 睾丸 制造小鼠多囊卵巢模型,用饥饿法制造小鼠气虚模型,用溶血法制造血虚模型。

  • Single Sweep Polarographic Studies on the Testosterone Propionate

    丙酸 睾丸 的单扫描示波极谱测定及其电极反应机理研究

  • Analyze the clinical effect of combination of methotrexate mifepristone and testosterone propionate in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy

    氨甲喋呤、米非司酮和 丙酸 睾丸 联合治疗异位妊娠的研究

  • Methods : grade castrated SD rat were injected subcutaneously testosterone propionate to induce BPH .

    方法:采用SD大鼠去势后皮下注射 丙酸 睾酮法复制大鼠前列腺增生模型。称重法观察 BWYJ抗BPH的疗效,H。

  • Humoral and cell-mediated immunity changes in the premature male rats following treatment with testosterone propionate


  • Objective To determine the effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice .

    目的探讨小鼠肌肉注射 丙酸 睾酮对小鼠精母细胞减数分裂前期Ⅰ分裂象的影响。

  • Testosterone Propionate can inhibit lacrimal gland epithelial cells apoptosis induced by H2O2 .

    丙酸 睾酮可以抑制过氧化氢诱导的泪腺上皮细胞的凋亡。