


  • The city 's first test-tube baby was born in1985 .

    香港首个 试管婴儿于1985年诞生。

  • Similarly while test-tube studies of high levels of pesticides are known to cause reproductive disorders a comparison of sperm quality from organic and conventional farmers was unable to connect dietary intake of over 40 different pesticides to any kind of reproductive impairment .

    类似地,尽管 试管研究已知大量农药接触会引起繁殖障碍,有机农民和传统农民的精子质量对比却无法把饮食摄入的40多种农药和任何一种繁殖障碍联系起来。

  • Effects of Different Light Qualities on Multiplication and Resveratrol Accumulation of Grape Test-tube Plantlet and Its Callus

    不同光质对葡萄 试管苗和愈伤组织增殖及白藜芦醇积累效应的研究

  • Oh I mean the real interpretative biology from the ground up from the laboratory and the test-tube and the vitalized inorganic right on up to the widest aesthetic and sociological generalizations .

    我指的是如实地诠释着生命的生物学,从基础开始,从实验室、 试管和获得了生命的无机物开始直到美学和社会学的广泛结论的生物学。

  • Osmosis-regulating Substance and Cation Contents in Nitraria sibirica Pall . Test-tube Plantlets with NaCl Stress

    NaCl胁迫对白刺 试管苗渗透调节物质及离子含量的影响

  • Using HPCs from umbilical cords and commercial labs the researchers demonstrated in test-tube experiments that the virus not only infected the cells but also could remain latent .

    研究人员使用脐带中和盈利性实验室里的定向造血干细胞,通过在 试管中进行试验演示出,病毒不但可以感染细胞而且还能保持潜伏状态。

  • Botanical characters of test-tube plantlets and seed plantlets in Bupleurum chinense

    北柴胡移植 试管植株与种子植株植物学性状分析

  • In a recent test-tube study researchers showed that RNA interference could make cells impermeable to HIV .

    在最近进行的 试管 实验研究中,研究人员发现核糖核酸干扰能使细胞抵制爱滋病病毒。

  • Effects of plant growth regulators on proliferation and rootage of Anoectochilus formosanus test-tube plantlets

    植物生长调节剂对台湾金线莲 试管苗增殖和生根的影响

  • The thermal decomposition behaviors of single-base propellants stored with different humidity were studied by using microcalorimetry with sealed and open glass test-tube .

    在单基发射药装入玻璃 试管密封和非密封的条件下,用微量热法研究了不同湿度单基发射药的热分解行为。

  • According to test-tube experiments in HIV-infected cells 0.25 mg per milliliter of glycyrrhizin the survival of cells still survived ;


  • Influence of two media on spinal neurons in vitro Comparative Study on Test-tube Rooting and Out Test-tube Rooting of in vitro Seedlings in Anthurium andraeanum

    两种不同培养基对体外培养脊髓神经元的影响 红掌组培苗两种生根培养方法的比较研究

  • The leaf epidermis structure of test-tube seedling and field seedling were observed with transparent rubberized fabric sticking method .

    用透明胶法对 蕨麻 试管苗与土 苗叶表特征进行了观察比较。

  • In1996 our country 's first ICSI test-tube baby in sun yat-sen university the first hospital affiliated reproductive medicine center was born .

    1996年我国首例ICSI 试管婴儿在中山大学附属第一医院生殖医学中心诞生。

  • Spent a lot of money there is no way to do test-tube .

    花了很多钱了,也没有办法去做 试管

  • One approach is to convert the current test-tube setup into a paper-strip one .

    一个方法是将当前的 试管测试装置转变为条形纸装置。

  • Study on changes of Chinese Date test-tube seeding of photosynthetic characteristic after removed from cultivation

    红枣 试管 过程中光合特性的变化研究

  • Within five years 150 test-tube babies had been born worldwide .

    短短5年,全世界有150 试管婴儿诞生。

  • Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock ?

    你那虔信基督再生的母亲,会想要一个非婚生的 试管婴儿当她的孙子?

  • The experiment with the material of test-tube seedling of Solanum tuberosum and by the way of Trissue culture studied the function of Pix in the preserving of test-tube plants of solarium tuberosum .

    本试验以马铃薯 试管苗为材料。用组织培养的方法研究了缩节胺在马铃薯脱毒试管苗保存中的作用.为缩节胺在植物组织培养中的应用提供基础材料。

  • Test-tube baby 's medicine terminologycalls the external fertilization-embryonic implantation .


  • Stomata densities of same type leaf under epidermal are higher than upper epidermal but were not significantly different between test-tube seedling and land seedling .

    同一叶片其下表皮气孔密度大于上表皮, 试管苗与土 苗两者叶片下表皮气孔密度差异不显著。

  • The processing of the new antibiotics and vaccines in the test-tube stage belongs in the field biochemistry but when great quantities must be produced at low east it becomes an engineering problem .


  • Screening and Optimizing the Medium of Test-tube Shoots from Stem Apexes of Amorphophallus

    魔芋茎尖 试管苗培养基的筛选与优化

  • Graft of the Test-Tube Seedings of Apple Cherry Grape and Chinese Rose

    苹果、樱桃、葡萄和月季 试管苗的嫁接

  • Petiole fragments and young receptacle derived from test-tube cultured flameray gerbera were used as explants the induction and differentiation culture of buds experiments were conducted .

    以非洲菊 试管 叶柄切段和幼花托为外植体,进行芽诱导分化培养比较试验。

  • Taiwan 's first test-tube baby little Master Chang is a gifted student .

    台湾第一个 试管婴儿&张小弟,是个多才多艺的资优生。

  • Study on Transplanting and Growing Seedlings Technology with Test-tube Seedling of Colored Common Calla

    彩色马蹄莲 试管苗移栽育苗技术研究

  • In one test-tube study juice extracted from cauliflower blocked the growth of breast cancer cells !

    在一项 试管 实验研究中,从花椰菜中提取的汁液居然有效阻止了乳腺癌细胞!

  • The first so-called test-tube baby Louise Brown was born in England in 1978 .

    第一个 试管婴儿路易斯布朗,1978年在英国诞生。