


  • Hormonal aspects of passivity and aggressiveness in boys . surgical removal of the testes or ovaries ( usually to inhibit hormone secretion in cases of breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men ) .

    研究男孩身上的消极以及积极的荷尔蒙问题。为了抑制荷尔蒙的分泌(预防女性的 乳癌或者男性的前列腺癌)而切除卵巢。

  • By primate standards polygamous male primates have large testes ( as a percentage of body weight ) and high rates of sperm production . And they happily mate with anyone in the county who is ovulating .

    按照灵长类的标准,多配偶制的雄性灵长类动物往往有较大的 睾丸依据 睾丸占身体重量的比例来衡量)和较强的精子制造能力,它们愿意和任何能够排卵的同类交配。

  • It is to lighten that pathological damage of testes of cryptorchidism with prolongation of reset time .

    随着复位时间的延长, 隐睾 组织的病理损害有恢复的趋势。

  • The role of Sertoli cells in the testes spermatogenesis and its damage in the radiation


  • Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes ; In some cases of nonspecific enteritis positive reactions were observed .

    非特异性睾丸炎 睾丸生精上皮的改变在一些非特异性肠炎病例中,观察到阳性反应。

  • The ovaries develop into testes and drop .

    卵巢发育成 睾丸然后落下来。

  • The Study of Xenotransplantation of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Infertile Mice Testes

    人脐带间充质干细胞异种移植不育小鼠 睾丸的研究

  • Effect of stathmin on spermatogonia proliferation in mice testes : its screening and primary research

    stathmin的筛选及其对小鼠 睾丸精原细胞的作用研究

  • Effect of Nano-Selenium ( Se ) on the Ultrastructure of Testes in Male Kids of the Boer Goat

    纳米硒对波尔山羊公羔 睾丸超微结构的影响

  • Dr Kerkis then isolated the stem cells from the dental pulp and injected them into the testes of live male mice .

    Kerkis博士从牙髓中提取出这种干细胞并注射进公老鼠的 睾丸

  • It is believed that abiraterone acetate inhibits a key enzyme CYP17 needed for androgen biosynthesis in the testes adrenals and tumor .

    据称,该药可抑制在 睾丸、肾上腺和肿瘤中的雄激素生物合成所需的关键酶(CYP17)。

  • Absence of one of both testes .

    两个 睾丸中缺少一个。

  • Methods Sperm deformity test and testes chromosome aberration test were used in the studies .

    方法通过小鼠精子畸形实验和 小鼠 睾丸染色体畸变实验进行 遗传 毒性研究。

  • Objective To investigate the fertilization ability of spermatozoa derived from neonatal mouse testes grafted into immunodeficient mice by intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) .

    目的采用卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)技术探讨新生小鼠 睾丸 组织异体异位移植到裸鼠体内后所生成精子的受精能力。

  • Effects of infrasound on sperm quality and tissue antioxidant system in testes of rats

    次声对雄性大鼠精子质量和 睾丸组织抗氧化系统的影响

  • Testes must have swollen damn near to the size of grapefruits .


  • Alternating Magnetic Field Damages the Reproductive Function of Murine Testes

    交变磁场照射对小鼠 睾丸生殖功能的影响

  • Immunohistochemical Studies of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Cynomolgus Monkeys ( Macaca Fascicularis ) Testes during Postnatal Development

    一氧化氮合酶在食蟹猴出生后 睾丸发育过程中的表达研究

  • For the new technique researchers used tissue from human testes from recently deceased donors and placed them in a special growth medium in the laboratory where the cells began producing insulin .

    对于新技术,研究人员利用人类 睾丸组织从最近去世的捐助者和放置在一个特殊的生长介质在实验室,那里的细胞开始分泌胰岛素他们。

  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Multiple Splice Variants of Lactate Dehydrogenase C in Cattle Testes

    黄牛 睾丸 特异乳酸脱氢酶-C基因选择性剪接体的克隆与序列分析

  • The testes are lobed organs .


  • Castration ( or neutering ): Removal of the testes . The procedure stops most production of the hormone testosterone .

    阉割(亦称去势):除去 睾丸。这种手术会终止大部分的睾丸固酮这种激素(荷尔蒙)的分泌。

  • The male gonads the testes lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum .

    公畜的生殖腺& 睾丸,位于腹壁内的阴囊内。

  • The bacteria can also spread to mosquito offspring as they were found in the eggs ovaries and testes of mosquitoes and also in pupae and larvae .

    这种细菌还可以传给蚊子的后代,因为在 蚊子的卵细胞、生殖腺、蛹和幼虫体内都发现了这种细菌。

  • Biologists believe that embryos develop ovaries and become female unless a gene called SRY on the Y chromosome switches on and testes are developed instead .

    生物学家认为,胚胎中会发育出子宫,从而性别为女性,而如果Y染色体中一个名为SRY的基因被激活,就会长出 睾丸,成为男性。

  • Mitochondrial Regulation Mechanism of Spermatogenic Cell Apoptosis in Mouse Testes Induced by Low Dose Ionizing Radiation

    线粒体调控低剂量电离辐射诱导小鼠 睾丸生精细胞凋亡的机制

  • CONCLUSION : Aging influences spermatogenesis in testes and sperm maturation in epididymides .

    结论:衰老影响小鼠精子 功能及附睾精子成熟过程。

  • In addition the system can induce spermatogenesis from SSCs that show spermatogenic failure due to a micro-environmental defect in their original testes .

    此外,体系介导的从精原干细胞的生精发生表明生精发生阻滞的原因是归结于它们初始 睾丸的功能缺陷引起的微环境问题。

  • When girl with his twin brother is in the womb hormone her brother 's developing testes made can enter her body through amniotic fluid influencing her growth .

    在母体中,男孩 睾丸形成时 释放的荷尔蒙通过胎盘液体进入了女孩的体内,影响了她的发展。