third law of motion

[θə:d lɔ ʌv ˈmoʃən][θɜ:d lɔ: ɔv ˈməuʃən]


  • This is forced out the jet orifice ( 9 ) at great speed producing ( by Newton 's third law of motion ) a reaction which drives the motor in the opposite direction .

    这在喷口(9)产生了高速的喷气,根据牛顿第 运动 定律,一个反作用力就驱动引擎向相反的方向 运动

  • The third law of motion is easy to demonstrate .

    运动 定律是容易示证的。

  • The third law of motion tells us that the two forces which constitute such a pair are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction .

    运动 定律告诉我们,像这样成对的两个力大小相等方向相反。

  • The coupling of the discrete particle with continuum gas was achieved by applying the principle of Newton 's Third Law of Motion .

    气固两相之间的耦合是由牛顿第 运动 定律来实现。

  • You can demonstrate Newton 's third law of motion with a garden hose .

    你可以用一根浇花使用的胶皮软管来说明牛顿的 运动 定律

  • I think Newton 's third law of motion was the most relevant .

    我认为牛顿第 运动 定律是最有价值的。

  • The third law of motion is that action causes a reaction and that these are equal and opposite .

    运动 定律是:作用引起反作用,这些作用大小相等和方向相反。

  • According to Newton 's Third Law of Motion action and reaction are equal and opposite .

    根据牛顿 运动 定律,作用力和反作用力是大小相等方向相反的。