third reading


  • It was also the third consecutive month that the PMI reading had increased ever so slightly showing that the recovery had steadily found firmer footing .

    这也是该 指数连续 个月微幅上扬,显示出复苏步伐的日益稳固。

  • Thought Fragments and New Probes into the Ancient Qiang Culture-The Third Reading Notes on the Research of the Ancient National History in China

    古羌文化的断想与新探&中国古代民族史研究 札记

  • Third reading teaching is an important channel of emotional education .


  • The member or public officer in charge of a bill may by announcement in Council at the beginning of proceedings for its second or third reading withdraw or postpone the bill .

    负责法案的议员或官员,可在立法会会议上于会议开始进行二 法案的程序时,宣布撤回或押后处理该法案。

  • Third reading can rich emotional and make it enhancement and sublimation .


  • Third checking the reading effect ;

    检查 阅读效果

  • The third is an teaching investigation of reading motivation training .

    部分, 阅读动机培养的教学调查。

  • The third part provides variables by reading literatures and introduces the meaning of each variable in the study and their sources . The paper puts forward the related hypothesis between variables and finally gets the conceptual model of the research .

    章主要是通过 阅读文献,提出研究变量及研究的概念模型,并且阐述了各个变量在本研究中的含义以及它们的来源,最后通过论述提出了变量间的相关假设。

  • Tie Ning has continuously located herself writing for Third Character but after reading quite her majority novels we have actually discovered in her different novels there is one common female survival pattern-imitation .

    铁凝一直自我定位于 三性写作,可是 读罢她的大多数小说之后,却发现了她不同的小说中存在着一个共同的女性生存模式&模仿。

  • Third reading helps you to develop good writing skills .


  • The third part is mainly from the teaching of reading use of the error theory of dialogue the main description .

    部分主要是从 阅读教学中对话理论使用的误区这方面做主要的说明。

  • The third part discusses the creative reading methods and manufacturing of ' reading-research teaching ' and discusses its system of evaluation .

    部分着重探讨了研究性阅读教学的创造性 阅读方法和阅读流程,并论述了研究性阅读教学的评价体系,即过程性评价方式实施的前提和具体方法;

  • So a third researcher reading the second article selects three of the previously referenced authors for his citations .

    这样 阅读了第二篇论文的 位研究者会从文中提及的三位相关作者中抽取作为自己的参考来源。

  • This essay is composed of three parts the first part is detailed background of the case and the second part is the marketing plan of the new product the third part is the guide of reading the essay .

    本案例分为三部分。第一部分为案例背景,第二部分为PP公司新产品上市计划,第 部分为案例指导

  • Third form a habit of reading an English article in China Daily every day .

    ,形成一种习惯的 阅读一篇英语文章《中国日报》上的每一天。

  • And if there is no third stage no successful reading the poem can hardly be said to exist in a practical sense at all .

    如果没有 阶段,没有 读者成功地 阅读,很难在说这首诗在实际意义上存在过。

  • Focuses on the content in the second and the third chapter respectively is reading and the diversity of experimental books presentation of the design style .

    重点论述的内容在第二、 章节,分别是 阅读的多元化和实验性书籍设计的呈现样式。

  • Before the third reading you may want to review these questions to stimulate your thinking and highlight issues that you should have a working knowledge of before the class discussion .


  • Reading material selection and specific requirements to the different style of teaching reading classification are to be introduced . Third cited foreign language reading teaching example two analysis .

    从朗读教材的选择和具体要求,到不同文体朗读教学的分类,都加以归纳讨论。 ,列举对外汉语 朗读教学实例两则进行分析。

  • Third training the skills of reading comprehension and translation .

    ,培养学生 阅读能力,实施翻译教学;

  • On the third reading you should have a good idea of the fundamentals of the case .

    在第 阅读,你应该对于个案的基本认知有较好的想法。

  • Third enhance the instruction of extracurricular reading methods and improve reading quantity and quality .

    加强课外 阅读方法指导,提高阅读的质与量。

  • The fourth part elaborates some theory about reading strategies . The third chapter is the experiment about the reading motivation and reading strategies for Grade One Junior High School . It is also divided into two parts . The first introduces the scheme of the experiment .

    章是对初一英语 阅读学习动机和阅读策略的实验研究,共分为两个部分,第一部分阐述了实验研究的设计,第 部分则阐述了实验研究过程。

  • The third chapter is about the reading guidance for middle school students ' reading classics strategy .

    章是关于初中生名著 阅读指导策略。

  • Among them the third chapter in the idea reading theoretical horizon look Poland tacit thought explain the design theory and tacit thought inner link and clear the idea theory for the middle school language the literature teaching reading of enlightenment and significance .

    章将在非构思 阅读理论视域下,审视波兰尼的默会性思想,说明二者的内在联系,从而明确非构思理论对中学语文非文学作品阅读教学的意义和启发。

  • The third chapter summarizes the author reading level architectural design theory literature as well as case studies of actual high-rise buildings .

    章主要总结笔者 阅读的高层建筑设计理论文献,以及研究的实际高层建筑案例。

  • One shows a picture of Peking Opera facial makeup another is the image of a giant panda and the third is the Chinese sentence reading Beijing Huanying Ni & Beijing welcomes you .

    一面是京剧脸谱,另一面是大熊猫的图案,而第 面则是“北京欢迎你”的 字样

  • The third part explains the readers ' reading accept experience and analysis the aesthetic experience which is from active participation in reading hypertext novel .

    部分阐述了读者的 阅读接受体验,分析读者在阅读超文本小说时因其主动参与而带来的审美体验。