


  • Thermodiffusion effect of vapour in atmosphere

    大气中水汽的 扩散效应

  • Adjustment of Thermodiffusion Multiwire Brass Plating Line

    扩散 法多丝电镀黄铜 作业线的调试

  • A two-dimensional numerical model of thermodiffusion for cooling water drained by Xiaoshan Power Plant

    萧山电厂温排水二维 污染数值模型

  • The alloy layer of tinplate is an intermetallic compound formed between base plate and tin coating through thermodiffusion during the treatment of heating and fusing after electrotinning .

    镀锡板合金层是镀锡后在加热熔融处理过程中通过 扩散在基板与锡层之间生成的一种金属间化合物, 因此,合金层的生成与原板和镀层 很大关系。

  • To introduce the process of thermodiffusion multiwire brass line . The calculation formula of electroplating calculation methods of coat mass and coat compositions usual scope of current density are given and a practical calculation example is also given .

    介绍 扩散 法多丝电镀黄铜 作业线的生产工艺,给出电镀电流的计算公式及镀层质量和镀层成分的计算方法及电流密度的正常范围,并举实例进行了计算。

  • In numerical calculation an explicit forward finite element technique is applied in the two-dimensional flow equation and an explicit direct finite difference technique in the thermodiffusion equation .

    在数值计算中,对二维水流方程采用显式迎 有限元方法,对 平面 扩散方程采用显式直接差分法,并对这两种方法进行了 耦合计算。