thermocouple pyrometer

[ˈθɚməˌkʌpəl paɪˈrɑmɪtɚ][ˈθə:məuˌkʌpl ˌpaiəˈrɔmitə]


  • At present Pt-Rh thermocouple and optical fiber pyrometer are in common use .

    目前常用的 温度传感器为铂铑金属 热电偶和光纤型 高温计

  • The temperature of oxyacetylene flame was simultaneously measured by the pyrometer and a thermocouple . And the measurement error of the single-wavelength pyrometer is only 6.2 % .

    由单色 高温计 热电偶测温对比实验可知,在单色 测温中爆炸产物可近似看作黑体处理,其误差率为6.2%。

  • The thermocouple the secondary instruments and suction system consist of a complete set of suction thermocouple pyrometer which could effectively reduce the effect of radiation in furnace and exactly and quantitatively measure the temperature of defined point in furnace .

    它与二次仪表及抽气系统组成整套的抽气 热电偶 高温计,能有效的减少炉膛辐射的影响,可以准确的定量测量炉膛内部确定点的温度。

  • Thermocouple surface temperature sensor recording thermocouple pyrometer
