the other afternoon

[ði ˈʌðər ˌæftɚˈnun][ðə ˈʌðə(r ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]


  • The results show that the diurnal variation in Pn on sunny days in spring summer and autumn assumes the shape of a bimodal curve which has two peaks one in the morning and the other in the afternoon with midday depression in between .

    实验结果表明:春、夏、秋三季晴天,Pn日变化呈双峰曲线型. 上午和 下午各出现一次Pn高峰,峰谷则是Pn的中午降低现象。

  • The bad news came at the other afternoon .

    噩耗声传来在 那个 午后

  • The other afternoon just before finals week students tired and apprehensive trickled into the center .

    期末考试周前 下午,疲惫而惶惑的学生们陆续走进了心理咨询中心。

  • New Orleans . We have two flights one in the morning and other in the afternoon . Which flight do you want ?

    新奥尔良,我们有两个航班,一个在上午, 一个在 下午,你要搭哪一班机?

  • The other four groups were fed on high calorie feed irregularly eating on morning in even-numbered days and eating on afternoon in odd-numbered days .

    空白对照组给予标准鼠饲料规则饲养, 其余组给予高热量鼠饲料不规则饲养,即单日上午进食,双日 下午进食。

  • I copied the other half content of the movie THE GOLDEN COMPASS from my school computer this afternoon .

    今天 下午,我从学校的电脑中拷贝 电影《黄金罗盘》 另外一半内容。

  • The Delegation stated that it wished its concerns to be reflected in the list and that it would possibly add other points in the afternoon .

    摩洛哥代表团说,希望在清单中反映出它的关注,它在 下午可能还会提出一些 其他问题。

  • The duo stood in line with their father and about 40 other cupcake devotees on Thursday afternoon .

    上周四 下午,姐弟俩和爸爸一起在纸杯蛋糕ATM机前排队,和他们一起等候的 还有大约40 纸杯蛋糕爱好者。

  • The other afternoon I hit a classic mid-afternoon slump .

    不久前 下午,我又困倒了。

  • Living in China I find that one of the things I miss most is watching my high school and college teams play other schools'teams each Saturday afternoon .

    来到中国,我发现最怀念 事情之一就是在国内时每星期六 下午看我中学母校与大学母校的校队与 其他校队比赛。

  • She told me my fortune the other afternoon and she said luck was coming .


  • He nods smiles and leans back in his seat ; for all the world he looks like any other man out on a Sunday afternoon to watch his favourite sport .

    他点点头,微微一笑,向后倚靠在座位上。无论 哪个方面看,他和任何 个在周日 下午去观看自己所喜爱的运动的人都没什么两样。

  • On the Level III exam some topics are covered in the morning session only and other topics are covered in the afternoon session only .

    三级考试,有些考题只会在上午出现,而 有些只会在 下午出现。

  • Boston police said 176 people were injured by the two explosions which took place within about 20 seconds of each other on Monday afternoon with 17 people in critical condition .

    波士顿警方表示,两起爆炸导致176人受伤。 两起爆炸发生在周一 下午,前后 相距约20秒钟。17名伤者伤势严重。