thesaurus construction

[θɪˈsɔrəs kənˈstrʌkʃən][θɪˈsɔ:rəs kənˈstrʌkʃən]

[计] 主题词表构成

  • In the new information environment new edition of Chinese Thesaurus is quite different from the old one in terms of presentation construction methods function orientation and application way .

    作为我国第一 大型综合性叙词表,网络环境下的新型《汉语 主题 词表 ,其在表现形态、 编制方式、功能定位和应用方式上都将发生根本性的变化。

  • Additionally combined the features of the Chinese Thesaurus it presented its own procedural steps of ontology construction and formed the SQL database format of the thesaurus in connection with the disadvantages of the hardcopy format of it .

    结合《汉 的特点,提出了自身的一套 构建本体的程序步骤,针对传统纸质版 词表的缺陷,形成了词表的SQL数据库形式。

  • In addition the results of this study also have certain reference and practical value for the studies of the Chinese natural language information processing thesaurus construction dictionary compilation and language teaching etc.

    此外,本研究成果对自然语言信息处理、 词库 建设、词典编纂和语言教学等也有积极的参考价值和实践意义。

  • It is difficult but important to realize recognition of hierarchical relationship during automatic thesaurus construction .

    词汇等级关系的识别是自动 构建 词表的重点和难点之一。

  • Evaluation of Overseas Computer-aided Thesaurus Construction Software

    国外计算机辅助 编制 词表软件评价

  • The topography thesaurus includes rich basic relations such as grade relation equated relation and correlative relation which should be inherited in the construction of the toponym ontology .

    测绘 词表 / 主题 词表中包含有丰富的基本关系,如等级关系、等同关系及相关关系,进行地名本体 构建需要对表中的基本关系进行继承。

  • Analysis on Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Teaching of Listening and Speaking ; Evaluation of Overseas Computer-aided Thesaurus Construction Software

    计算机辅助外语听说教学的调查研究国外计算机辅助 编制 词表软件评价

  • The paper focuses on the development of thesaurus in Semantic Web . At knowledge level thesaurus provides a resource for knowledge base construction with ontology .

    本文对叙词表在知识组织体系知识层面与语义网核心Ontology结合,阐述了叙 词表表达知识概念与语义关系的能力为语义 建设提供资源组织基础;