Thevenin's theorem


  • The Application of Thevenin 's Theorem and Norton 's Theorem in Circuit Containing Controlled Source

    戴维南 定理和诺顿定理在含受控源电路中的应用

  • The Thevenin 's theorem and the power source equivalent transformation caused the circuit form changing from the compound circuit to the simple circuit in the solution process therefore the computational method from difficultly to easily .

    戴维南 定理和电源等效变换在求解过程中使电路形式发生了由复杂电路向简单电路的转变,计算方法因此由难变易。

  • The connection mode and operating principle of a new type balanced transformer are analyzed the simple and practical equivalent circuit is deducted according to the electromagnetic relation and Thevenin 's theorem .

    对Y/>/ 接线的新型平衡变压器的接线方式和工作原理进行了分析,根据电磁耦合关系和 戴维南 定理推导出了简单实用的等值电路。

  • Generalized Thevenin 's Theorem in Application to Networks Involving Controlled Source

    维南 定理在含受控源网络中的推广应用

  • Discussion of equivalent circuits with two-terminal networks including controlled sources by using Thevenin 's theorem

    含受控源网络 戴维南等效电路的求解

  • In this paper the authors have studied the power relationships between the linear multi-ports network and its equivalent network by means of Generalized Tellegen 's Theorem and presented a Tellegen-Thevenin ( Norton ) 's Generalized Power Theorem which is based on the reference 2 w_616 .

    本文用广义 Tellegen 定理研究了多口线性网络与其 Thevenin(Norton)等效网络之间的功率关系,并在文献2w_643的基础上提出了Tellegen-Thevenin(Norton)广义功率定理。

  • It is proved that one-way conversion of negative-feedback amplifier by Thevenin 's theorem is not to be equivalent conversion . I is presented .

    以电压串联负反馈放大电路为例,证明用 戴维宁 定理(Thevenin'STHEOREM)对负反馈放大器作单向化变换,不是等效的变换,而且没能起到 实质性单向化作用,即 受控关系没有 消除