


  • Those suggest that electrostatic screen hydrophobic effect and surface tension all contribute to halophilic properties of thiolase .

    这表明极端 的嗜盐特性不单来自形成的 分子静电屏蔽网和疏水作用的 调节,且与 分子表面张力 减小 密切相关。

  • Result showed that there are 15 nucleoside acid differences with normal silkworm DNA sequence of 3 - ketoacyl-CoA thiolase ; mere are 5 amino acid differences after translated .

    结果是与正常家蚕编码酮酯酰 CoA 的DHA序列有15个核苷酸的差异,翻译后有5个氨基酸的差异。

  • Designed the specific primers to amplify by PCR sequencing and splicing acquired genome DNA sequences coded 3 - ketoacyl-CoA thiolase of the sch silkworm .

    设计特异引物进行常规PCR扩增,通过测序、拼接,获得了sch蚕编码酮酯酰 CoA 完整DNA序列。

  • Purification and Properties of Acetoacetyl-Coenzyme A Thiolase From Pseudomonas Putida

    臭味假单胞菌乙酰乙酰辅酶A 的提纯及性质研究