they say that...


  • I 'm happy that they say that naturally .

    当然,我很高兴 他们 这样

  • They say that toenails are the teeth of the foot .

    他们 脚指甲就好像人的牙齿一样。

  • They say that he had no university education but he seems to be something of a scholar .


  • Sergio : They say that soon they can put drugssintosfoods so that we can stay healthy by eating food .

    塞吉奥: 他们 不久之后他们能够将药物转移到食物中,这样我们通过吃食物就能保持健康了。

  • They say that blood is thicker than water that our relatives are more important to us than others .

    他们 血浓于水,亲属对我们来说比其他人更重要。

  • They say that God is everywhere and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse .

    他们 神到处皆是,然而我们常认为祂是像隐士一般。

  • They say that the bigger you are the harder you fall .

    人们 你爬得越高,摔得越重。

  • They say that she is better than anything else in all my great kingdom .


  • They say that wigs will be coming in again this year .


  • They say that it is an hobby which should had .

    他们 (养宠物)是一个应该拥有的爱好。

  • But what do they mean when they say that ?

    但是当 他们 的时候,他们意谓什么?

  • They say that the big ones will swallow you whole .

    他们 最大的能在你身上咬个洞。

  • They say that every dog has his day ; but mine seems a very long time coming .

    俗话 “凡人皆有得意日”,可是我的得意日好像老是不来似的。

  • They say that children learn languages the best . But that doesnt mean that adults should give up .

    人们 小孩子学外语最厉害,但这并不是说成年人就该放弃了。

  • They say that you must hire the candidates whom you believe can hit the ground running in your company .

    他们 认为必须雇佣你认为一上任就能投入到公司的业务运作中去的求职者。

  • They say that most of the militants have retreated to mountains close to the Afghan border .

    攻势摧毁了几个关键的激进分子的基地,没有遇到有效抵挡。 官员 多数激进分子撤退到靠近阿富汗边境的山区。

  • In the United Kingdom and Australia they say that one in three families has a computer now .

    在英国和澳大利亚,现在三个家庭 一家有电脑。

  • They say that laughter is the best medicine and it 's really true .

    他们 笑是最好的良药,真的是这样。

  • Then they say that Daming is clever too .

    他们 大明也非常聪明。

  • They say that a samurai 's sword is his soul .


  • They say that in tropical countries people usually marry in their teens .

    他们 在热带国家,人们在十几岁就结婚。

  • Because they say that we would go off and drink it up and that we are drunkards and idlers !

    不用想!因为 他们 我们会拿去喝酒,说我们全是醉鬼和懒汉!

  • They say that travel broadens the mind .

    他们 旅行能够开阔心胸。

  • In fact they say that they are happy not to be in a serious romantic relationship .

    事实上, 他们 他们对于没有一场认真的恋爱关系而感到愉快。

  • Isabel the archers see things my way but they say that Ashwood rejects the rule of the king . I have to settle this with their mayor .

    伊莎贝尔弓箭手们和我的想法一致,但 他们 阿什伍德镇拒绝臣服国王的统治。我得和他们的市长商讨解决这个问题。

  • They say that guilty look is simply a reaction to you .

    他们 这种内疚脸就是摆给你看的。

  • They say that you have compressed a mix of components from other well-known songs .

    他们 您不过是把其他名曲中的组成部分拿过来压缩到了您的作品中。

  • And they say that there 's magic there in the ground .

    他们 土地有魔法。

  • They say that increasing speed limits leads to more accidents and more severe injuries in those accidents .

    他们 提高速度限制会导致更多的事故和事故中的伤害会更严重。