


  • He who adopts this attitude will be neither top-heavy thin-stemmed and shallow of root nor sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    如果有了这种态度,那就既不是头重脚轻根底浅,也不是嘴尖 皮厚腹中空了。

  • Dahongpao pepper to big spike and more grains meat thick-skinned rich bright color rich flavor taste Ma moderate and has long Chinese Name Law reputation .

    大红袍花椒以“穗大粒多、 皮厚肉丰、色泽鲜艳、香味浓郁、麻味适中”而久负“中华名椒”之盛誉。

  • THE NEW TYPE OF FRUIT IN BOTANY The bamboo shoot in the hills & sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    云南龙竹、 竹的果实&一种植物学上新的果实类型山间竹笋,嘴尖 皮厚腹中空。

  • Fortunately for Cole he is considerably more thick-skinned and he will have to be .

    还好,科尔的 脸皮 一直 ,这也将是他所需要的。

  • Are you a thick-skinned .


  • The bamboo shoot in the hills & sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    竹篮子打水一场空。山间竹笋,嘴尖 皮厚腹中空。

  • Many American politicians are very thick-skinned .

    很多美国政客是 默默 容易 发怒的。

  • Effect of ozone treatment on Post-harvest Physiology and fruit quality in storage of Thick-skinned Melon

    臭氧处理对 甜瓜采后生理及贮藏品质的影响

  • Is telling us not to do that sharp-tongued thick-skinned belly of an empty mountain bamboo shoots and top-heavy wall of bedrock shallow reed .

    就是告诫我们不要做那嘴尖 皮厚腹中空的山间竹笋和头重脚轻根底浅的墙上芦苇。

  • Eventually let the general webmaster 's also a reason-wide net and more contacts thick-skinned not afraid of being rejected !

    而最终告诉广大站长的也就一个道理&广撒网,多接触, 脸皮 ,不怕被拒绝!

  • He is thick-skinned and never cares what others say .

    脸皮 ,从来不在乎别人讲什么。

  • If one were thick-skinned enough it certainly was a way out . But Xiangzi wasn 't that sort of person .

    往下 一拉 自然这的确是个主意,可是祥子不是那样的人。

  • Thus the architect needs to be thick-skinned since they may need to correct their decisions and backtrack at times during a project .

    因此构架师需要是 脸皮的,因为他们很可能在项目开发过程中更正自己的决定,并且按原路返回查找问题。

  • One thick-skinned show-off waves his foot in the flames for a foolhardy second .


  • Because things like criticism you are told to be very thick-skinned about things like that .

    因为就像批评,我被告知要 脸皮 对待

  • A thick-skinned brutal person .

    一个 冷漠 残忍的人。

  • Massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa .

    热带非洲生活在河里或河水附近的大 食草性动物。

  • He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts .

    脸皮 不怕她嘲弄。

  • Studies on the Relationship between Each Direction Mechanical Characteristics and Quality Characteristics of Thick-skinned Honeydew Melon


  • Nacy Pelosy is a self-interested thick-skinned political thug .

    南希 佩洛西是个个人利益的无耻的政治流氓。

  • Be thick-skinned and speak up !

    脸皮 大声说出来!

  • Being thick-skinned is necessary for a successful salesperson .

    一位成功的推销员所需要的就是 脸皮

  • He is thick-skinned and annoying .

    脸皮 又惹人讨厌。

  • I still think the boss was thick-skinned for firing that worker .

    我仍然认为老板辞退那个工人, 麻木不仁

  • Second you must not be shy be thick-skinned and speak up .

    其次,别害羞, 脸皮 大声说出来。

  • Take advantage o me is becoming dumb clear Mei a Duo leads handkerchief little pucker up eyebrows : Do not meditation ego the thick-skinned Be free do you absence to chafe face ?

    趁我正在发愣,明寐一把夺过手帕,微微皱起眉头:“别 以为自己 脸皮 就没事,你想 脸皮 擦破吗?”

  • The reed growing on the wall top-heavy thin-stemmed and shallow-rooted ; the bamboo shoot in the hills sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖 皮厚腹中空。