thickness piece

[ˈθɪknɪs pis][ˈθɪknɪs pi:s]


  • As a small slice cutter for beauty the table-type hay cutter can cut the fruits and carrots and the like into the slices with the thickness like that of a piece of paper for veneering .

    作为美容用的小型切片刀,可切出 的瓜果 、胡萝卜片等供贴面使用。

  • As the dome reverse pressure will decrease with the thickness of DI tinplate reduction it is necessary to analyze the influence of the base section on the dome reverse pressure of two piece can so as to improve it by new base design .

    随着DI材 厚度的减 ,拱底耐压性能会下降,因此,需要分析罐底形状对拱底耐压性能的影响,以便于对罐底形状进行设计,提高两 罐的抗拱底翻转能力。

  • Suede is cheaper because many pieces of suede can be split from a single thickness of hide whereas only one piece of top-grain can be made .

    绒面革是便宜很多,因为麂皮件可以从单一的皮革 厚度分裂,而只有一个顶级粮食可

  • By studying the rolling speed and tension with the changes in the relationship between the thickness of the rolled piece to discuss with tension control approach to offset the speed of change on the thickness of the impact of the establishment of the equation .

    通过研究轧制速度和张力的变化与 轧件 厚度的关系,讨论用张力控制的办法来抵消速度变化对厚度的影响,建立相应的方程。

  • The first step is to change cutting speed according to the thickness of work piece which means to change the absorbed heat of unit .

    一是根据 工件 厚度 变化来调整等离子体弧切割速度,即改变单位体积上 工件所吸收的功率。

  • Conclusion According to the thickness of subcutaneous fat wrist carried thoracic-abdominal tube flap together with abdominal flap and one piece of full-thickness skin graft when appropriately chosen can effectively correct the defect of whole face scar .

    结论根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,分别采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全 修复面颈部瘢痕疗效好,值得临床应用。

  • By setting up mechanical model the relationship of curve radius jacking force and effect factors such as pipe diameter length of pipe section thickness of wooden piece elasticity of material and the difference of jack displacement is investigated .

    通过建立力学模型对曲线路线半径R、顶推力P和影响因素如管径D、管节长L、木 垫片 a、材料弹性模量E以及工具管油缸行程差(b-c)等的关系进行推导。

  • It is shown that this method can nicely meet the demand of ultrasonic C-scan for variation thickness aviation forged piece .

    应用表明,该方法能较好地满足变 厚度航空 锻件超声C扫描的要求。

  • The influence rule of material thickness on stress and strain of piece during cold roll forming was ob - tained with ANSYS / LS-DYNA FEM software to simulate 4 ~ 8mm thickness of materials .

    使用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件的显式求解功能对厚度为4~8mm的板料进行有限元弹塑性分析,得到了板料成型过程中 厚度 因素轧件应力、应变的影响规律。

  • The results showed that the range of beta ray with the maximum energy in natural radioactive series is longer than thickness of a piece of decorative materials .

    结果发现:由于天然放射系中最大能量b粒子的射程大于 饰材,不能用表面b辐射水平进行无损检测判断;

  • Determination of Connecting Thickness on H-type Forge Piece to Skirt of Hydrogenation Reactor

    加氢反应器h型 锻件与裙座连接侧 厚度的确定

  • If the relative thickness of sheet T / D is small while the shape of work - piece is complex and the relative drawing depth W / D happens to be big the workpiece is hard to form .

    从爆炸成形工艺 参数上看,当板料相对 厚度 t/D较小,且形状较复杂,相对拉深深度W/D又较大时,其成形难度也较大。

  • A metal sheathing of uniform thickness ( such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners ) .

    金属做的一种 厚度均匀的罩子(如 大炮上保护炮手的挡板)。

  • Study on Ultrasonic C-Scan Technique for Variation Thickness Aviation Forged Piece

    厚度航空 锻件超声C扫描技术研究

  • Automotive welded blanks refer to joining sheet metals of different thickness strength and surface status in a one - piece before stamping process .

    汽车用拼焊板是在 零件冲压之前将不同 厚度、强度和表面状态的钢板焊接成的一个 整体

  • In the northern Brahmaputra bank and the eastern Lhasa River bank the area and thickness of the desertification are great from 1988 to 2009 ; the desertification remained deteriorating in some region sand even spread through the ridge and linked into one piece .

    雅鲁藏布江北岸以及拉萨河东岸,沙化面积和 厚度巨大,1988-2009年间大致维持恶化态势,局部沙地甚至翻越山脊连结 成片

  • The results indicate that the cascading detector has a higher sensitivity than the single Si-PIN detectors . The sensitivity of cascading detector is related to the thickness of teflon piece .

    结果表明,层叠式Si-PIN伽玛探测器相对于单个的Si-PIN探测器具有更高的灵敏度,而且伽玛灵敏度与每 间的聚四氟乙烯 厚度有关。