theory of evidence

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈɛvɪdəns][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈevidəns]

[计] 证据推理

  • A method of security assessment combining D-S theory of evidence and fuzzy theory is put forward in this paper .

    提出了一种结合 D-S 证据 理论和模糊理论的安全评估方法。

  • This paper Studies and analyzes on data fusion for Ultrasonic adhesive detecting by D-S theory of evidence .

    采用D-S 证据 理论,提出了利用声激励和超声探头检测金属与非金属粘接状态的融合方法,并进行了 验证分析。

  • And through examples of analysis points out the DS theory of evidence will be used to identify the type of vehicles in the road with the prospect of practical application .

    并通过实例分析,指出将D-S 证据 理论应用于在公路车辆类型识别方面具有实际应用前景。

  • Starting from the basic theory of evidence combination We first make analysis on the conflict and support of evidences on comprehensive diagnoses of faults .

    证据合成的基本 理论出发,首先就故障综合诊断中证据的支持和冲突进行了分析和探讨。

  • Research on Transformer Diagnosis System Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence

    基于D-S 证据 理论的变压器诊断系统研究

  • In addition I apply the new model to identify true causes to system failures with masked data and can obtain relatively better results . Finally I focus on the research of combined models between grey systems theory and the theory of evidence .

    并把该模型应用于含有隐蔽数据的系统故障真正原因的识别与系统可靠性估计上,取得了较好的效果。最后,灰色 证据 理论组合模型研究。

  • An approach to student knowledge modeling by fuzzy measure and d / s theory of evidence

    用模糊测量和D/S 证据 模拟学生的知识水平

  • However this new evidence brought by the new technology brings a new challenge to the original theory of evidence based on its unique character and also brought confusion to the judicial practice in criminal proceedings .

    然而,这种由新技术带来的新的证据形态基于其独特性给原有的 证据 理论带来了全新的挑战,同时也给刑事诉讼司法实践带来了混乱。

  • Research on General Assessment of the State-Owned Enterprise 's Administrations Based on Theory of Evidence

    基于 证据 理论的国有企业领导者综合测评研究

  • Theory of Evidence in the Application of Recognition Among Similar Images

    证据 理论在相似图像识别中的应用

  • New method of stock investment analysis based on theory of evidence

    基于 证据 理论的证券投资分析方法

  • The D-S theory of evidence belongs to decision-level fusion in information fusion .

    D-S 证据 理论属于信息融合中的决策层融合。

  • Comprehensive Evaluation of The Storage Performance For Inertial Device Based On D-S Theory of Evidence

    基于D-S 证据 理论的惯性器件贮存性能综合评价

  • In this paper both the theory of evidence and the fuzzy mathematics are used together successfully in building the new fuzzy identification method .

    本文把 证据 和模糊数学成功地结合起来,建立新的模糊识别方法。

  • Research on Performance Evaluation for the Public Project Based on the Theory of Evidence

    基于 证据 理论的公共工程项目绩效评价研究

  • This dissertation combines the theory of evidence with the theory of rough sets and Grey to acquire the basic probability assignment and to solve the tough problem how to obtain the evidence in the theory of evidence .

    证据 理论与粗糙集理论及灰色理论相结合,获取证据的基本概率分配,解决了证据理论中证据获取困难这一瓶颈问题;

  • In this paper we introduce the methods of representing meta-level and object-level knowledge and two kinds of uncertainty processing models based on the theory of evidence .

    简介了我们提出的元知识表示、目标知识表示方法和两种基于 证据 理论的不确定性处理模型以及它们的新特点。

  • But relatively the research about theory of evidence which involves in administrative law enforcement and criminal judiciary is not enough .

    但是,有关行政执法与刑事司法衔接过程中涉及的 证据 理论方面的研究却较为薄弱。

  • Experts Group Forecasting System Based on Learning and Theory of Evidence

    基于学习与 证据 理论的专家群体预测系统 研究

  • Aiming at many uncertain factors in the security assessment of shipping a new approach to security assessment combining D-S theory of evidence and fuzzy theory was discussed .

    针对船舶安全评估过程中的诸多不确定因素,提出了一种基于模糊 证据 理论的安全评估方法。

  • The Application for D-S Theory of Evidence in Encouraged Voice and Ultrasonic Adhesive Detecting

    D-S 证据 理论在声激励与超声粘接检测中的应用

  • Researches the rule of combination in theory of evidence .

    证据 理论的合成方法研究。

  • Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence is one of the main methods of decision fusion but typical D-S theory is sensitive to highly conflict evidences .

    Dempster-Shafer( D-S证据 理论是决策融合的主要方法之一,但典型的D-S理论不大适应高冲突证据组合。

  • This paper introduces an inference approach based on the Dempster-Shafer 's mathematical theory of evidence .

    本文介绍了Dempster-Shafer 关于 证据的数学 理论 以及根据该理论发展的一种新的推理方法。

  • The evidence is then integrated and normalized by Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence and vote algorithm .

    然后,所有的证据通过使用 Dempster-Shafer 证据 理论结合投票的方法进行组合和归一化。

  • The theory of evidence is a kind of information fusion reasoning which has perfect performance in solving the problem of uncertainty .

    证据 理论作为一种推理常用的信息融合方法,对解决信息融合中不确定性问题具有显著的优势。

  • D-S theory of evidence and CF model

    D-S 证据 理论和CF模型

  • All reasoning could be converted into the problem of satisfiability and target consistency checking which is proved . Deformation of the two relations of the rules is given deformation theory of evidence that is more suitable for logic inference of knowledge bases .

    证明了描述逻辑中的所有推理问题都可转化为可满足性关系和目标的一致性检测关系,并给出两种关系的变形规则, 理论 证明 显示变形后的规则更适合于知识库的逻辑推理。

  • The theory of evidence is an important method to deal with uncertainty inference .

    证据 理论是不确定性推断的重要方法。

  • Combination method for Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence based on interval numbers

    基于区间数的 DS 证据合成方法研究