then and there

[ðɛn ənd ðɛr][ðen ænd ðɛə]


  • I could almost reach out and grab it right then and there .

    当时 那儿我几乎都能伸手把它抓住了。

  • When appropriate do small tasks right then and there . If it is only going to take a few seconds or minutes Just Do It Now .

    在适当的时候立马着手做一些小事情。如果这些事情完成只需要分分钟时间 那么 现在就马上做吧。

  • The kidnapper was shot dead then and there by the armed policeman .

    绑架者被武装警察 当时 当地击毙。

  • He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there .


  • Nevertheless it was their great delight to moisten a box-full with cold tea stir it up on a piece of parchment with a paper-knife and devote themselves to its consumption then and there .

    然而他们却喜欢用冷茶把一盒子鼻烟浸湿,用裁纸刀在一块羊皮纸上搅拌它, 然后 当场立即消费掉,这是他们极大的乐趣。

  • I want to cry then and there . I could not wait any longer .

    此时 此地我想喊叫 我控制不住了。

  • Cloning techniques have continued to improve since then and today there are cloned mice salmon and cattle .

    克隆技术从 那时起得到了持续的进展 今天 已有了克隆老鼠、克隆鲑鱼和克隆牛。

  • Then I looked up and there he was in his usual place curled around my head .

    环顾了四周,Harry在我旁边卷曲着身子, 还是 在平常的地方。

  • Focus on just one thing at a time and concentrate on what needs to be done right then and there .

    一次专注于一件事,做 全神贯注的完成

  • I thought that he would terminate the discussion then and there .

    我想他 马上结束这场讨论的。

  • Since this is my third time doing this the shock of having to step into just getting stuff then and there on the stage seemed less than in previous ones but it was still there .

    尽管这是我第三次上大师课,但是要 立刻 舞台上掌握本质的内容依然让我感到紧张,不过比前几次有所进步。

  • The energy spent on active inner work is then and there transformed into a fresh supply but that spent on passive work is lost for ever .

    “能”花在主动的内在工作 变成新鲜的库存,而花在被动工作的“能”则 永远流失。

  • LL : Oh to do something on the spot is to do it immediately-right then and there .

    Onthespot就是立刻,当场的意思。所以你刚才的意思就是教授在考试的 时候 当场给题目,你就得立即上台讲两分钟。

  • I decided to do it then and there .

    我决定当场立即 做。

  • I felt a blow and then a sharp pang and there I was pinned by the shoulder to the mast .

    我感到被打了一下, 接着便感到一阵剧痛 的肩膀被钉在了桅杆上。

  • So many civilizations exist at once then and there are certain bleed-throughs .

    于是如此众多的文明同时存在,也 存在着某种渗漏。

  • Then and there before the judgment-seat thy mother and thou and I must stand together .

    到了 一天 审判座前面,你妈妈,你,还有我,应该站在一起。

  • When you get an assignment or test deadline right then and there decide on a reward for completing it successfully .

    当你成功完成一项任务或测验顺利时 犒赏一下自己。

  • Papa calls a family meeting right then and there .

    熊爸爸 当场立即召开了家庭会议。

  • During your concert I was so moved I knew then and there I needed to change direction .

    在你的音乐会上,我深受感动 当场我就懂得我需要改变 人生的目标。

  • In their famous Stop the Line practice when a defect is discovered the whole production line can be stopped to fix it then and there .

    在其著名的“”实践中,当发现一个缺陷时,可以 立即停止整个生产线以修复它。

  • He was to be told that supper awaited him then and there and that he was prayed to come to it .

    侯爵 吩咐告诉他晚餐已经 等候 请他立即前来。

  • She could die right then and there .

    她可能会死 当场

  • He had threatened to brain him then and there .

    当时 威胁要打爆他的脑袋。

  • When we started writing the book the open source ESB space was less mature then it is now and there are more mature solutions at the moment .

    在我们开始写这本书时,开源ESB社区还不如现在成熟, 而且 现在 了更成熟的解决方案。

  • Also the shelves may be restocked then and there are fewer customers so you 'll get more attention .

    另外,周日晚上的货架将会很快被下一周的新鲜货物填满 是的顾客 比较少,你可以得到老板更多的“照顾”。

  • Then gravity is there and there is that initial speed .

    重力 这里 是初速度。

  • Right then and there I called out Oh Lord a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy .
