


  • Validating teat case indicates the proposed method can predict the angular heat flux correctly . STUDY OF THERMOSTABILITY OF COMPOUND GALLA ORAL LIQUID BY CLASSICAL HOMEOTHERMIA

    表面施加三角形热流的经典算例验证了算法的正确性。经典恒温法对复方五倍子口服液的 稳定性研究

  • Conclusion : Aloe catalase has been successfully isolated and purified which exhibits excellent thermostability and acid-alkali tolerance .

    结论:成功分离纯化获得过氧化氢酶,该酶具有良好的 稳定性和酸碱耐受性。

  • The enzyme had perfect thermostability and a certain level of resistance to oxidation .

    该蛋白酶具有 一定的耐氧化能力。

  • The thermophilic enzyme from thermophilic bacteria has the thermostability and thermophilic characteristic .

    来源于嗜热菌的嗜热酶具有 稳定性和嗜热性。

  • Effect of Modified Phospholipids Composite Emulsifiers on Stability of Emulsion Explosive Modification of glucose oxidase with galactosylation for enhancing its thermostability

    改性磷脂复合乳化剂对乳化炸药稳定性的影响研究半乳糖苷化修饰葡萄糖氧化酶提高其 稳定性

  • Effects of root temperature on thermostability of photosynthetic apparatus in Prunus Mira seedlings

    根系温度对光核桃幼苗光合机构 稳定性的影响

  • Effect of Different Metal Ions on Bromelain in Activity and Thermostability

    不同金属离子对菠萝蛋白酶活性及 稳定性的影响

  • Effects of ultrasonic wave on the thermostability and secondary structure of bromelain

    超声波对菠萝蛋白酶 稳定性及二级结构的影响

  • Preliminary Study on the Contribution of Protein Structure Topology to Thermostability

    蛋白质 拓扑结构对 稳定性贡献的初步探讨

  • Classical constant temperature law and t_ ( 0.9 ) law in ofloxacin ear drops thermostability forecast comparison diffusion in non-steady state

    经典恒温法与t(0.9)法在氧氟沙星滴耳液 稳定性预测中的比较非定常扩散,非稳态扩散

  • Effects of Addition Elements on Glass-forming Ability and Thermostability of Mg-Based Amorphous Alloys

    添加元素对Mg-基非晶合金非晶形成能力和 稳定性的影响

  • Modification of glucose oxidase with galactosylation for enhancing its thermostability

    半乳糖苷化修饰葡萄糖氧化酶提高其 稳定性

  • Effects of Glycerol on Viscoelasticity and Thermostability of Collagen Solution

    甘油对胶原溶液粘弹性和 稳定性的影响

  • Isolation of Lipase-producing Strain and Improvement of Lipase Thermostability by Random Mutagenesis

    产脂肪酶菌的筛选及随机突变改善酶 稳定性

  • Thermostability and Temperature Rise Limit of UHV Dry-Type Smoothing Reactor with Air-Core Fever ( or pyrexia ) : Abnormally high body temperature or a disease characterized by it .

    特高压干式空心平波电抗器的 耐热 性能与温升限值发热:异常升高的体温,或以异常升高的体温为特征的疾病。

  • Preparation and Thermostability of 1-Indanone

    1-茚满酮的制备及其 稳定性初步研究

  • Improving Thermostability of Poly ( propylene carbonate ) through Complexation with β - Cyclodextrin

    利用β-环糊精提高聚碳酸1丙二酯的 稳定性

  • Wet breaking strength increased obviously after crosslinking and the ratio of wet strength to dry strength increased by16.9 % while there was a little impact on thermostability .

    交联使纤维的湿断裂强度明显提高,湿干强度比可提高16.9%,但对纤维的 稳定性影响不大;

  • In this article the research topics of engineering proteins for thermostability including rational design directed evolution and consensus sequence method are compared with each other .

    比较了蛋白质 耐热工程重点研究的合理化设计、定向改造和一致序列法等方法,并提出了 将来的研究趋势。

  • Study on Thermostability of Chinese Date Honey The processing of crisp Chinese yam by microwave puffing was studied .

    枣花蜜的 稳定性研究探讨了微波膨化技术在山药和胡萝卜脆片加工中的应用。

  • Compared with free lipase the thermostability ( thermal stability ) of immobilized lipase was improved ( increased ) by30 % ; however no significant changes in selectivity was observed .

    与游离 脂肪酶相比较,固定化脂肪酶热稳定性提高了30%,而选择性没有显著变化。

  • In this paper the feature of infrared spectra and thermostability of sandwich like molybdophosphates have been studied by IR and TGA-DSC method .

    本文利用红外光谱法、热重法及示差扫描量热法研究了夹心型钼磷酸盐的红外光谱特征和 稳定性

  • These results indicated that thermostability of microstructures are mainly determined by their formation history .

    显微组织的 稳定性在很大程度上取决于它的形成过程。

  • Study of thermostability of compound Galla oral liquid by classical homeothermia

    经典恒温法对复方五倍子口服液的 稳定性研究

  • The mechanical properties and thermostability are improved with increasing HS content while the heat build-up becomes bigger .

    提高硬段含量明显能够改进材料的力学性能和 稳定性,但会导致材料更高的内生热;

  • Effects of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) on thermostability and secondary structure of bromelain

    Ca~(2+)对菠萝蛋白酶 稳定性和二级结构的影响

  • Thermostability and freeze denaturation of Charybdis japonica

    日本鲟肌动球蛋白 变性和冷冻变性

  • The crystal of regenerated cellulose has changed and the thermostability of regenerated cellulose slightly decreased .

    溶解再生后的纤维素发生了晶型的变化; 稳定性有所降低。

  • The influences of ultrasound on the crystallinity of yam starch acetates are feeble so the ultrasound has little influence on the thermostability of yam starch acetates .

    对淀粉的结晶区影响甚微,所以超声强化对产品的 稳定性影响较小。

  • Study on Influence Factors of Enzyme Thermostability Using Machine Learning

    基于机器学习法的酶 耐热 影响因素的研究