


  • Thenceforth everything was done on a small scale instead of on a grand scale ;

    以后,一切都 改用小规模进行,没有大规模的了;

  • Thenceforth to secure his good will she always spoke to him first and often gave him drink-money which he readily received .


  • In course of time these impressions weakened and probably vanished nevertheless it was observed that the bishop thenceforth avoided passing the place of execution .

    那些印象随着时间 渐渐 褪或 消失了,但是人们察觉到, 从此 以后,主教 避免经过那刑场。

  • Conclusions Low dose radiation could down-regulate the expression of Bcl-2 protein to some extent and maybe have synergistic effect with high dose radiation thenceforth .

    结论低剂量辐射在一定程度上可能下调了胶质瘤细胞的Bcl-2蛋白的表达,同时对 其后的大剂量辐射有协同作用。

  • Thenceforth being healed through Thy wounds we learned to sing : Alleluia !

    自此我们由祢 的圣伤获得治愈,而能学习歌唱:阿肋路亚!

  • He would from thenceforth ever dwell in them ; a new a heavenly an eternal life ; the life of Jesus Himself should fill them .


  • All salvation comes thenceforth even salvation through nothing .

    此后,救赎就会 降临,甚至通过对无足轻重之辈的救赎。

  • Marius sent back the thirty louis to his aunt with a respectful letter in which he stated that he had sufficient means of subsistence and that he should be able thenceforth to supply all his needs .

    马吕斯把这笔 如数退还给他 大姨,并附上一封措词恭顺的信,信里说,他有办法谋生,今后已能满足自己的一切需要。

  • Women are give the same rights as men ; thenceforth they can vote .

    妇女被授予男人同样的权力; 那时 ,妇女可以选举了。

  • Women were given the same rights as men and thenceforth they could vote .

    妇女被给与男子同样的权利, 所以 以后她们就能选举了。

  • My life was totally different thenceforth .


  • This was the pope who was said to have thrown into the Tiber the keys of St Peter with a declaration that he would thenceforth use the sword of St Paul .

    据说这位教皇把圣彼得的钥匙抛了进台伯河, 声言 此后会用圣保罗的剑。

  • Thenceforth m.madeleine was transfigured in fantine 's eyes .

    从此 马德兰先生在芳汀的心目中是另外一个人了。

  • Jean Valjean finding himself known to this man at least only under the name of Madeleine thenceforth advanced only with caution .

    冉阿让心里寻思这人 既然认得他,至少他认得 马德兰这名字,自己就得格外谨慎才行。

  • It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men .

    以后 无用,不过丢在外面,被人践踏了。

  • He became thenceforth not a spectator only but a chief actor in the poor minister 's interior world .

    这样,他在那可怜的牧师的内心世界中,就不仅是个 旁观者,而且成了一名主要演员了。

  • Thenceforth a serious political contest was altogether out of the question .

    从此 不上严重的政治斗争了。

  • And thenceforth the little boy came with vacant pockets .

    自此 以后那个小男孩来时,口袋便是 空空的了。

  • Thenceforth Marius had but one thought & to gaze once more on that sweet and adorable face .


  • 1960s saw a radical change in design concept of American arch dams and thenceforth the double curvature concept has been formally accepted which was by chance first put forward in America .

    20世纪60年代是美国拱坝设计思想发生本质性变化的 时期此后 正式接受了双曲概念,而恰巧这个概念的提出又首先是早在上个世纪之初的美国。

  • Thenceforth PCB 's design requests strictness . The strictness can reduce the anaphase change and shorten the time limit for project .

    其后的PCB板设计是对 细节要求极其严格的一 工序,对它的严格要求可以减少后期一遍又一遍的修改,缩短产品开发工期。