the Scotland Yard


  • Discussion of Supervision on Investigated Cases by the Procuratorate ; They called in Scotland Yard ie asked for the help of this Department .

    检察机关自侦案件的侦查监督问题探讨他们 伦敦 警察 侦缉 了案

  • I was on the point of ordering Stanley 's arrest when Scotland Yard did it for me ; they shot my fox !

    我正要下令逮捕斯坦利, 伦敦 警察 为我做了这件事,他们替我除掉了敌人。

  • At a news conference in london Peter clarke the head of Scotland yard 's antiterrorist police announced that items belonging to the four men had been found at the scene of the explosions london 's worst attack since World War ii .

    苏格兰 反恐怖部门首领彼德?克拉克在伦敦召开的一次新闻发布会上发表声明,四个人随身所带物品已经在爆炸现场找到,这是二战以来伦敦所遭受的最大袭击。

  • The police are carrying out a postmortem examination a spokesman for Scotland Yard said but are treating the death as non-suspicious a category that the spokesman said includes suicides .

    伦敦 警察局发言人说,警方正在进行尸检,不过会把此事当作一桩“无可疑点”的事件。

  • When I got the letter I went to Scotland Yard and talked to the police . '

    接到信我就去 苏格兰 告诉了警察。

  • All three attacks are being investigated as part of the operation that led to the arrest a Scotland Yard spokesman said .

    苏格兰 发言人表示,他们在联合行动中对这三起攻击都展开了调查,最终决定进行 这次逮捕。

  • The New Scotland Yard synonymous with criminal investigation is located in the city .

    苏格兰 ,同义词,刑事调查,位于城市。

  • He resigned rather than be dismissed from the force and is now suing Scotland Yard for compensation .

    他从警队辞职,而非被开除。他目前正起诉 苏格兰 ,要求赔偿。

  • The show had permission from Scotland Yard to dress its actors in real uniforms and stab-proof vests bearing the force 's crest .

    部电视剧中, 扮演 苏格兰 警察的)演员被允许穿着真正的警服和能够承受外部压力的防弹背心。

  • The Royal Household 's security chief Brig Jeffrey Cook and Scotland Yard have been negotiating a set of new police / royal vetting protocols .

    英国王室安检负责人杰弗里·库克与 苏格兰 就一系列警方和王室即将实施的安检行动草案进行了协商。

  • The investigation is being handled by Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch .

    调查由 伦敦 警察 反恐部门负责。

  • I got on the phone to Inspector Joplin at Scotland Yard .

    我与 伦敦 警察 乔普林巡官 通过电话了。

  • There were fears that as many as five people could still be on the run but Scotland Yard sources said it was believed that those alleged to be the key people had been arrested .

    虽然人们对五名疑犯仍然在逃感到担心,但 伦敦 警察 消息人士称,据信策划这一阴谋的主要头目都已被逮捕。

  • But the Pakistani government insists a Scotland Yard investigative team arriving to help in the probe is sufficient to solve the controversy surrounding her death .

    但是,巴基斯坦政府坚持表示,即将抵达巴基斯坦协助调查的 英国 伦敦 警察 有足够的能力解决布托之死引发的争议。

  • John Yates said his resignation was a matter of deep regret but the ongoing phone-hacking scandal was becoming a distraction from his job leading Scotland Yard 's counter-terrorism unit .

    约翰·耶茨(JohnYates)称对他的辞职“深表遗憾”,但是仍在继续的电话窃听丑闻已经不能使他专心从事首都 伦敦警务 的反恐领导部门的领导工作。

  • Anyone knowing ( who knows ) anything about the accident is asked to communicate with New Scotland Yard .

    凡是知道 这次事故任何情况的人,请和 英国 警察 总部联系。

  • Not far from the houses are the buildings of New Scotland yard which one often reads about in detective stories .

    在不远处是你经常在侦探小说 读到的新 苏格兰

  • The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance to the police station .

    此后 扇门就成了警察厅的公共入口。