the shades


  • The girl 's whispered words mingled with the shades and to Tess 's drowsy mind they seemed to be generated by the darkness in which they floated .

    女孩子的喃喃细语混合着沉沉 夜色,在半睡半醒的苔丝听来,它们似乎是从黑暗中产生的,而且漂游在黑暗里。

  • Happily enjoyed peanuts on the benches under the shades .

    曾经在悠然自得的坐在 树荫下剥花生。

  • Keep direct sunlight from pouring through the windows by pulling the shades down or closing the drapes .


  • A man who should have some insight into the shades and ways of thought the grades and colors of morality comes out instead with such an article !

    一个应该能够有 真知灼见和思维方法,有层次,有道德色彩的人,居然写出这种文章!

  • But the unconscious Mr Clare had gone indoors and they saw him no more ; and the shades beginning to deepen they crept into their beds .

    一无所知的克莱尔先生进屋去了,再也看不见他了; 天色 渐渐 下来,她们也就上床睡觉了。

  • Sexy lingerie in the shades of black maroon or burgundy is your idea of fashion heaven and you wear that intimate bedroom look as often as you can and anywhere you can !

    性感 黑色、 栗色或葡萄 内衣是最能体现你时尚品味的服饰。

  • And in one of the funniest moments of the movie was when Yao walked into one of the rooms where all the shades were all pulled down making it really dark in the room . Skillful lighting made the scene come alive .

    最好玩的一个场景是当姚明走到一个房间里时,所有 补光灯都给拉倒了,屋里一片漆黑。巧妙的灯光使布景显得像真的一样。

  • On the top of the crown a golden star was shining in the shades of night .

    在王冠的顶端,一颗金色的星星正在 夜色下闪闪发光。

  • Sometimes I turned camera lens to trashes and the shades of some bar streets filled with befuddled life .

    酒吧街醉生梦死 垃圾和 夜色。某个人的皮肤和褐色圆痣。

  • This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution .

    此画没有用 明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。

  • The lights were on and the shades all drawn at the square triple-decker .

    灯是开着 影子射在四方的平面上。

  • The shades of gray show not just how much fat I 'm carrying but where it is hiding .


  • The waiter flustered at finding himself under the direction of political royalty struggles with the shades .

    侍者慌乱地发现自己正在接受这位政治贵族的命令, 手忙脚乱地去弄百叶窗。

  • Your personal colors are the shades of your ruler the Moon : pearl silver and off-white .

    最能体现你个性的 颜色与你的守护星-月亮类似:它们是珍珠色、银和淡白色。

  • The shades of dusk are deepening .

    夜色 苍茫

  • I want to know that the shadows of this world are the shades of an avenue & the avenue to the house of my Father .

    我要知道这世界的 患难是一条进路&一条进入父家的路。

  • Then Clare again stole a chink of light from the window and they shared another meal till by-and-by they were enveloped in the shades of night which they had no candle to disperse .

    接着克莱尔又悄悄把窗户打开一点,透进来一些亮光,一起把晚饭吃了,苍茫 夜色渐渐 袭来,他们没有蜡烛驱散 黑暗就只好呆在 黑暗中了。

  • The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown .

    那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等 深浅 不同的颜色。山茱?的 骨朵儿嫩绿嫩绿的,镶着赤褐色的花边。

  • When I raised the shades daylight streamed into the room .

    我拉开 窗帘时,阳光射进了我的房间。

  • These are just some of the shades of difference between the perfect tenses .

    以上是一些完成式之间 微妙差异。

  • Different foliage colour deviants are readily found . The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown .

    叶色不同程度的反常是很容易识别的。那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等 深浅 不同的颜色。

  • Nancy left the shades down and the lights off .

    南希放下 窗帘,关了灯。

  • They pulled down the shades and broke the Sabbath .

    他们放下 窗帘,不守安息日的规矩了。

  • And the differentiation between the shades becomes more subtle over time .

    颜色细微的差别 随着时间 推移变得更加微妙。

  • It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning .

    它需要人的声音赋予它深层含义 细微 差别