The 2002 Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework ( XMSF ) report 1 w_303 goes deep into the problem that Web-based technologies support DoD models and simulations .
美国国防部(DoD)2002年提出了可扩展建模与仿真框架( XMSF) 报告1w_338 ,对Web技术如何支持M&S进行了深入研究。
The report goes on to offer six steps IT departments can take to ease Macs into their enterprises and three case studies of companies that have done so successfully .
这份 报告 还提供了六个步骤,IT部门可以按部就班地“使Mac融入的企业”。此外, 报告 还列举了三个案例研究,介绍了三家在 这方面取得了成功的企业。
The report goes on the define the assumptions and considerations that the report aims to cover .
报告 还定义了一些 假定与考虑要素。
The report goes on to say that I did all that for the purpose of intimidating the Chinese public . I don 't think that anyone would believe that story .
至于 说我这样做是为了吓唬老百姓,我想没有一个人相信他这种说法。
Yet the report goes beyond that .
但 这份 报告的意义 不止于 此。