the last straw

[ði læst strɔ][ðə lɑ:st strɔ:]


  • The hotel was expensive the food poor and the Bad weather was the last straw .

    这个旅馆费用昂贵,膳食又差,加 天气恶劣,真 不了

  • It was the last straw that broke the camel 's back .

    压垮骆驼脊梁的 最后 稻草

  • You 've been late for work too often . This is the last straw . You 're fired .

    你最近迟到次数太频繁,叫人 忍无可忍,你被开除了。

  • When you cannot tolerate one any more tell him its the last straw .

    当你不能再容忍宽恕别人时,告诉他 最后

  • But he always makes mistakes recently that 's the last straw .

    但他总是会犯错误,最近,这就是 最后 稻草

  • The last straw however was a small irritating detail : the smell of burnt cheese .

    最后 导火线却是一个微不足道的恼人细节:烧奶酪的气味。

  • But when I caught him using my toothbrush that was the last straw so I kicked him out !

    可是,当我发现他用我的牙刷的时候, 就叫我无法 忍受

  • It was the last straw but Martin gripped the arms of his chair and talked and listened for half an hour .

    那是压断了骆驼背脊 最后 稻草,但马丁仍然抓住椅子扶手,和他交谈了半个小时。

  • John has always been a troublemaker at school but when he set fire to someone 's locker it was the last straw and he was expelled .

    约翰在学校总是制造麻烦,当他对某人的橱柜放火,实在让人 忍无可忍,所以他被开除了。

  • The last straw came with the alleged UK terrorist plot this August .

    最后 稻草是今年8月所说的英国恐怖主义阴谋。

  • That rock through the window was the last straw .

    打破窗户的石头让 我们 不了了。

  • For Sadat the Moscow summit communique was the last straw .

    对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受 最后 一击

  • When he started shouting that really was the last straw .

    他实在 不了了, 大叫起来。

  • He lost his knife on the way home then he fell down and when he broke a shoe lace that was the last straw and he began to cry .

    在回家的路上丢了小刀,而且又跌倒, 最后当他弄断鞋带时,他就再也忍不住地哭了起来。

  • It 's rain again ! That 's the last straw .

    又下雨了!真让人 忍无可忍

  • The last of these rowsseems to have been the last straw .

    最后一刻 稻草,导致垮台的因素。

  • Okay . that 's it . that 's the last straw .

    好,就这样, 最后 了。

  • When he didn 't come home that night it was the last straw .

    他那晚没回家,事情已让人 忍无可忍了。

  • I 've put up with a lot of crap from him but that 's the last straw .

    我对他的胡说八道忍耐得够多了,但这回我可无法 忍受下去。

  • For him the Church 's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw

    教会同意授给女性神职的决定使他 终于 忍无可忍

  • The PMI numbers were the last straw pushing the 10-year US Treasury yield below 3 per cent for the first time since December .

    PMI数据成了 最后 稻草,将10年期美国国债收益率推至3%以下,为去年12月份以来的首次。

  • This is the last straw !

    这是 最后 机会了!

  • Do you know the old saying @ It is the last straw that breaks the camel 's back .

    你知道有一句古老的谚语吗? 最后 ,压断骆驼背。

  • But the Mac Mini was the last straw .

    Macmini是 最后 稻草

  • I 've had a terrible day and this traffic is the last straw I can 't take any more .

    我这一天已经够倒霉了,这样的堵车更是 雪上加霜,我受不了了。

  • He was the last straw she notes .

    他是 最后 稻草,她表示。

  • Rose : That 's the last straw Sam. You don 't respect me at all .

    萝丝: 忍无可忍了,山姆。你根本不尊重我。

  • She told everybody my secret . That 's the last straw .

    她把我的秘密告诉所有人。真让人 忍无可忍

  • Tight capital has been the last straw for SMEs in trouble says Mr Zhou .

    周德文表示:对身处困境的中小企业来说,资金吃紧成为压死 骆驼 最后 稻草