thermal diffusion ratio

[ˈθɚməl dɪˈfjuʒən ˈreʃo][ˈθə:məl dɪˈfju:ʒən ˈreiʃiəu]


  • The Specific heat volum heat conductivity thermal diffusion ratio increase and linear expansion coefficient decrease with an increase of graphitization degree of pitch derived carbon .

    随着沥青炭石墨化程度的增大,比热容、导热系数、 扩散 都增大,而线膨胀系数减小。

  • Specific heat volum heat conductivity thermal diffusion ratio and linear expansion coefficient were tested .

    测试了沥青炭试样的比热容、导热系数、 扩散 和线膨胀系数。