thermal drive

[ˈθɚməl draɪv][ˈθə:məl draiv]


  • Through analyzing the operating principle of the micro thermal sensor associating with the two types of drive circuits the calculation and analysis methods of temporal and frequency characteristics of MEMS thermal sensor are got .

    通过分析用于检测流体参数的微型 热敏传感器的工作原理,针对恒流和恒温 驱动电路 驱动的此类传感器组成的系统,提出了对微型热敏传感器系统动态特性分析的依据和计算设计方法。

  • The local thermal comfort of the drive and the passenger is predicated and the results are compared with thermal comfort range by Equivalent Temperature .

    文中完成了一个典型算例,预测了 司机与乘客的 舒适性问题,并与国外提供的热舒适范围作了比较,结果令人满意。

  • This study is significant on the development model of thermal drive the variation of geologic conditions the distribution of remaining oil and the efficiency of steam drive .

    本项研究将对 稠油 开发模式、地质条件变化规律、剩余油分布及驱替效率研究工作具有积极意义;

  • The mathematic model of thermal drive parts was deduced from the thermal conduction differential equation and the model parameters were determined based on the experiments and step-by-step fitting method then the combined control strategy of time optimum control and temperature double-ring control was adopted .

    由导热微分方程推导 驱动部件的数学模型,在实验的基础上采用分段逐级拟合指数型函数的方法确定此模型的参数,然后采用时间最优控制和双环温度控制相结合的策略。

  • Based on the theories of gear engagement contact analysis friction and heat transfer a model and method of finite element structure and thermal analysis for the drive were established .

    基于齿轮啮合原理、轮齿接触分析、摩擦学和传热学,并将有限元方法、理论分析计算以及实验测量数据相结合,建立了塑料蜗轮与 制蜗杆 传动轮齿结构和 温度分析的模型与方法;

  • Steam-injection boiler is the key equipment of thermal drive and it is also the equipment whose energy consumption is the largest in the thermal drive process .

    注汽锅炉是油田注蒸汽 的关键设备,是油田热采工艺过程中能耗最大的设备之一。

  • Thermal Drive which can appear in miscellaneous force fields for instance centrifugal forces and surface tensions as well as the gravitational field .

    驱动。不仅在重力场中,而且在如离心力场、表面张力场和电磁力场中也存在着 驱动

  • In order to improve the feed speed and control precision of deformable body based drive parts that having large feeding force a new method was presented for realizing micro feed in z direction by controlling the temperature field of thermal drive parts .

    为了提高基于变形体的具有大进给力 驱动部件的进给速度和控制精度,提出通过控制 驱动部件的温度场实现z方向微进给的方法。

  • Concentrating solar power devices focus or concentrate the thermal energy of the sun to drive a generator or heat engine .

    集中太阳能发电装置集中用太阳的 热能,来 驱动发电机或热力引擎。

  • When the rotating speed and heat flux both are high the proper thermal drive medium is liquid Li which can result in maximum heat transfer performance .

    在高转速,高加热量时以液态锂为 驱动介质时,热驱动换热能力最强。

  • Among them the metallogenic materials were actived and mineralized by the volcanic exhalation magmatic explosion and thermal drive of faulted structure so making the rich mineral-bearing strata ( rocks ) come real metallogenic resources .

    其中的成矿物质在火山喷气、岩浆爆破和断裂构造的 动力 驱动下活化并参与成矿,这样就使富含成矿物质层(岩)真正变成矿源。

  • The thermal glider changes its net buoyancy by a special power system which can convert ocean thermal energy into mechanical energy and drive the glider moving .

    温差能驱动的水下滑翔机,通过特殊的动力系统将海洋 温差能转化为机械能, 驱动滑翔机航行。

  • Over 70 years development microbial enhanced oil recovery ( MEOR ) has become the fourth new method of EOR ( enhanced oil recovery ) after thermal drive chemistry drive and polymer drive and has been paid more attention to .

    经过70多年的发展,微生物采油技术(MEOR)已经成为继 热力 、化学驱、聚合物驱之后的第4种提高采收率的新的三采技术,并且越来越受到人们的重视。

  • Because of the special character some new technologies such as steam-inject thermal recovery and combustion drive are gradually applied to developing heavy oil reservoir .

    由于稠油的特殊性质,注蒸汽 采、火烧油层、出砂冷 等技术,逐步应用于稠油油藏的开发。

  • Power Circuit 's Thermal Effect to Drive / Protection Circuits inside Hybrid IPEM

    混合封装电力电子集成模块内功率电路对 驱动保护电路的 影响

  • The thermal elasticity phenomenon of the CNC feed drive system was analyzed .

    应用 有限 方法对机床 进给系统的 弹性现象进行了分析。

  • Two difficult problems ie : deep well and high pressure should be treated in the application of thermal drive to the viscous oil encountered in Gaosheng oilfield .


  • Analysis on temperature field and thermal deformation of double-arc gear drive

    双圆弧齿轮 传动的温度场和 变形分析

  • In the power industry the turbine is widely used in conventional thermal power plant and nuclear power plant to drive the electric generator to produce electric energy .

    在电力工业中,汽轮机被广泛应用于常规 火电厂和核电站,用来 驱动发电机生产电能。

  • Based on the analysis and numerical results the physical mechanism of thermal drive in centrifugal fields is advanced and a dimensionless parameter group is suggested to measure the relative importance of buoyancy and rotation to the mean equivalent conductivity .

    通过方程分析和数值模拟提出了离心力场 驱动流的物理机制以及自然对流和旋转流相对作用大小的判别依据;

  • Multi-modality control of thermal drive part based on deformable body

    基于变形体的 驱动部件多模态控制策略研究

  • Maximum heat transfer performance of thermal drive can be achieved in high rotating speed and lower heat flux if liquid Na-K was employed as thermal drive medium .

    研究结果表明高转速,低加热量时,采用液态钠钾合金为热驱动介质可以得到最好的 驱动换热效果;

  • Thermal Recovery in Low Permeability Reservoirs after Water Drive

    特低渗油藏水 采研究

  • Thermal actuators are a kind of micro actuators that utilize thermal expansion to realize micro drive and have became a focus of current micro actuator research .

    热驱动机构是微驱动机构中的一种,该技术利用 材料 受热后的体积膨胀实现微 驱动,是当前微驱动技术研究的一个热点所在。

  • Steam thermal drive oil is the method in which high pressure steam with suitable dryness fraction is injected into heavy oil stratum .

    注蒸汽稠油 是指稠油开采时向稠油层注入适当干度的高压蒸汽进行原油采集。

  • In this paper according to the economical principal and using of the numerical simulation method the selection standard of development models are studied from steam soak steam flooding to thermal drive under different oil price conditions .

    运用数值模拟方法,根据经济优化原则,研究了不同油价下蒸汽吞吐、蒸汽驱及 热水 等开发方式的筛选标准。

  • Thermal viscous fan drive has defective bearing .

    粘性风扇 驱动有失灵的轴承。

  • Application on Real-Time Compensation of Thermal Distortion on Main Drive of NC Machine Tool

    数控机床主 传动 变形误差实时补偿的应用研究

  • In Heavy oil recovery a thermal recovery intermittent steam drive technology is used first .

    稠油开采中,首先利用了 采间歇汽 工艺技术。

  • The primary objective of the present work is to reveal some physical phenoma about thermal drive under centrifugal field or combined gravitational and centrifugal fields .

    本文目的是研究离心力场及离心力场和重力场同时存在时 驱动流的一些现象和规律。