thermal forming


  • Based on the present production techniques of aerial bomb body at home and abroad the new process of thermal shrinkage calibre integral forming with temperature gradient method for low resistance bomb body is described in this paper .

    本文在叙述当前国内外航空炸弹弹体加工技术水平的基础上,主要介绍了低阻航空炸弹弹体采用温度梯度法的 热缩径(口)整体 成形工艺。

  • The thermal plastic forming properties of carpet samples with different width are studied through one-way stretch tests tests indicate that its thermal plastic forming properties of the carpet material have size effects .

    以单向拉伸试验研究了轿车地毯不同宽度尺寸试样的 热力塑性 成形性能,试验发现轿车地毯材料的塑性成形性能具有尺寸效应。

  • The results show that the thermal fatigue cracks after forming propagate preferentially in the hard phase and the propagation of crack is stoped and dulled when it meet steel basic phase .

    结果表明: 萌生后的 疲劳裂纹优先在硬质相中扩展,遇到钢基体相后受阻、化。

  • Research on Microstructures and the Thermal Fatigue Crack Forming Mechanism of WC / steel Matrix Composites with Centrifugal Casting

    离心铸造WC/钢复合材料的组织及 疲劳裂纹 形成研究

  • Due to a great deal of limitation of heating by flame or laser a new thermal stress forming process & high frequency induction heating forming of plate is studied in this paper .

    由于火焰或激光局部加热存在着诸多局限性,因此本文研究了一种新的板料 应力 成形技术&高频感应弯板成形工艺。

  • On the basis of the effect of the welding linear energy to the behaviours the mechanism of the thermal crack forming and its development have also been deeply analyzed to provide the theoretical basis to take the technical measures to prevent the weld seams from thermal cracking .

    同时在研究焊接线能量对这一规律影响的基础上,对 裂纹的 形成和发展机理进行了深入分析,为进一步探索防止焊缝热裂纹的工艺措施提供了重要的理论依据。

  • Study on Size Effects of Thermal Plastic Forming Properties of Car Carpets

    轿车地毯 热力塑性 成形性能的尺寸效应研究

  • The measures is put forward to prevent electrode from hard broken in directly electricity hearting up by analyzing thermal stress forming and distribution inside electrode ;

    通过对电极内部 应力 产生和分布规律的分析,提出了直接电烘炉法在开炉中防止电极硬断的措施;

  • Investigation of the Thermal Reaction of Propene Forming Methylcyclopentane

    丙烯 反应 生成甲基环戊烷的理论探讨

  • The huge development potential of thermal roll forming makes the research of studying thermal forming rule significant .

    热成型的巨大发展潜质,使得研究 成型规律具有非常重要的意义。

  • Low Energy As_2 ~ + Implantation and Rapid Thermal Annealing For Forming Shallow Junctions

    低能As2~+注入与快速退火 形成 n~+&p超浅结的研究

  • The results show that the initial conditions temperature field change during thermal forming and phase deformation are the main factors affecting the rebound .

    结果表明, 板材的初始条件、板材 成形时的温度场变化和相变行为是影响回弹的主要因素;

  • Research and manufacture of polystyrene concrete thermal insulation block forming machine and the full automatic processing line

    聚苯混凝土 保温砌模砌块 成型机及全自动生产线的研制

  • The glass formation ability infrared crystallization thermal stability and microcavity forming ability in the ZnO-P_2O_5 CdO-P_2O_5 and CdS-P_2O_5 binary phosphate glass system were investigated .

    为此使用玻璃技术开展了在磷酸盐玻璃中生长高浓度Ⅱ-Ⅵ族量子点的研究,探索了 ZnO-P2O5、CdO-P2O5和CdS-P2O5二元磷酸盐玻璃的形成能力、红外通过率、结晶行为和微腔 成形能力。

  • Due to the special properties of semi solid metal lower processing temperature compared to that of liquid metal and lower yield strength compared to that of solid metal it provide a possibility for the thermal precise forming of metal with high efficiency and low consumption .

    由于半固态金属具有特殊属性,即加工温度低(与液态加工比)、变形抗力小(与固态加工比),为高效、低耗实现金属 精密 成形提供了一种现实可能。

  • According to the difference of heat source thermal stress forming is divided into plate forming by line heating laser forming and plate forming by high frequency induction heating .

    应力 成形是一种通过不均匀加热产生的热应力来使板料成形的方法,与传统成形工艺相比具有显著优势。

  • Polystyrene concrete thermal insulation block forming machine and the full automatic processing line were successfully researched and manufactured by Xi'an Yin Ma Industry Development Co.

    西安银马实业发展有限公司依据聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料颗粒(EPS)混凝土的特点,研制成功聚苯混凝土 保温砌模砌块 成型机及全自动生产线。

  • Laser induced dieless forming of metal sheet is the thermal stress natural plastic forming which is base of the performance of flatulence due to heat and shrink using the laser induce the internal stress .

    板材的激光诱导无模成形实质上是基于材料的热胀冷缩特性、以高能激光为热源的一种 应力自然塑性 成形方法。

  • The purpose of the thermal deformation of materials is forming and modification .

    材料 变形的目的主要是 成形和改性。

  • EPS thermoforming machine integrates vacuum forming and mold forming it can forming almost all thermal forming plastic sheet .

    EPS热成型机集真空成型、模压成型于一身,可加工几乎所有的 成型塑料片材。

  • The research and manufacture of a large-sized precise NC hydraulic press for thermal forming process have been introduced in the text .

    介绍一种用于 成形的大型精密数控液压机的研制。

  • The deposit underground thermal ore forming phase and surface oxidation phase . The thermal ore forming phase consists of a pyrite arsenopyrite quartz stage a gold tetrahedrite galena sphalerite quartz stage and a quartz carbonate stage .

    矿床形成分 成矿期和表生氧化期,其中热液成矿期又分黄铁矿-毒砂-石英阶段、金-黝铜矿-方铅矿-闪锌矿-石英阶段、石英-碳酸盐阶段。

  • A numerical investigation into transient thermal field during laser forming of sheet metal

    板料激光 成形时的 温度场研究

  • Research of Thermal Forming Equipment and Process for Titanium Alloy

    钛合金 成形设备及工艺研究

  • The temperature and press program of the thermal forming process was confirmed through determining Melt Index ( MI ) of the CCPAEK at different temperatures .

    通过不同温度下CCPAEK树脂熔融指数的测定,得到合适的 性复合材料 成型温度及压力制度。

  • Thermal stress forming is a important forming process of plate which is deformed .

    应力 成形是加工板料的一种重要成形方法。

  • Thermal fatigue crack forming process of steel bonded carbide containing 35 % WC by the action of thermal stress has been observed time and time again .

    对含有35%WC的钢结硬质合金在热应力作用下 疲劳裂纹 形成过程进行了反复观察。

  • 5-20 keV As ~ + and BF_2 ~ + implantation and rapid thermal annealing for forming ultra-shallow junctions

    5&20keVAs~+、BF2~+注入与快速 退火 制作超浅结的研究