thermal still

[ˈθɚməl stɪl][ˈθə:məl stil]


  • However thermal insulation of the collector wall still restrains PV cells ' cooling while curtain installation can improve electrical efficiency a little .

    在夏季集热墙外 表面 绝热 不利于冷却光电池,而设置卷帘可以少许提高电效率。

  • Experimental results show that the intensity of the high-temperature thermal storage concrete mixed with 5 % graphite still meet industry requirements .

    实验表明, 高温混凝土掺入5%石墨,强度 能满足工业要求。

  • In the current model of cutting force Oxley model is the one which considers the material properties comprehensive mostly . However the material strain rate effects and thermal softening effects are still considered less than .

    目前所得到的切削力模型中, Oxley模型相对来说是考虑材料性能最全面的,但是对于材料的应变速率效应及 软化效应考虑不足。

  • The affection of thermal cycling on the GRG composites mechanical properties are still produced a greater negative impact .

    循环冲击对玻璃纤维增强玻璃复合材料力学性能 产生了较大的负面影响。

  • The room that to the residence this kind of complete angel uses housetop besides have enough outside great thermal resistance and attenuation still should make its defer time longer .

    对住宅这种全天使用的房间,屋顶除了有足够大的 热阻和衰减外, 应使其延迟时间更长。

  • At present the laws governing γ - TiAl alloys under thermal fatigue and dead-load thermo-mechanical fatigue are still unclear . Therefore it has a great significance for the purpose of reasonable application design and lifetime prediction .

    目前,该合金的 疲劳和静载热机械疲劳规律 不清楚,开展此项研究对其合理应用、设计和寿命估算有重要的意义。

  • Although modem physics theory ( e.g quantum field theory ) has been fully developed the prediction of thermal reaction rate is still a great trouble .

    虽然现代物理学理论(如量子场论)已有了长足发展,但是预测 反应速率是一个长期 存在的挑战性问题。

  • However because almost all of the large scale thermal facilities are still using conventional linear PID control system it is very difficult to acquire excellent controlling performance in the global load varying range .

    但是目前大型 热力设备的自动控制几乎都 采用常规的线性PID控制系统,难以在整个负荷变动范围内均取得优良的控制品质。

  • Many research works have been carried out to study clothing thermal function however studies on the relationship between clothing construction and thermal function is still limitation .

    尽管大量的研究工作已经开展,但关于研究服装结构设计与服装热 舒适性的研究 仍然是不足的。

  • However currently the majority of the thermal power plants still use the traditional disclosure method which has the defect of incompletion in the form and the content .

    然而,现阶段我国大多数 火电企业在环境成本信息披露上 过于传统,具体表现在披露形式和成本信息内容不完整等问题上。

  • Yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) has excellent chemical and mechanical properties thermal stability pure oxygen conduction and now it still has great potential as electrolyte materials in medium-high temperature SOFC ( 700-1000 ℃) .

    钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)具有优异的化学性能、力学性能、 稳定性以及纯的氧离子电导性,目前 仍是潜力最大的中高温(700-1000℃)SOFC的电解质材料。

  • The results have shown that V-Ti vermicular cast iron owned high a high thermal conductivity especially at high temperatures can still maintain a relatively high thermal conductivity the thermal conductivity at high temperatures even higher than V-Ti gray cast iron .

    结果表明:钒钛蠕墨铸铁具有较高的 导热系数,尤其是在高温时 能保持较高的导热性能,高温时的导热系数甚至高于钒钛灰铸铁。

  • Microporous insulation products actually have thermal conductivity values lower than still air due to their ability to block the three modes of heat transfer ( conduction convection and radiation ) .

    微孔绝缘材料的 热导值低于 静态气流,这是由于该产品能阻碍热传递的三种方式的实现(热传导、对流和辐射)。

  • The thermal stability of the complexes reveals that the dehydration products of complexes possess high thermal stability ( most main framework still keep stabilization above 300 ℃) .

    对配合物的热稳定性研究表明,配合物脱水产物表现出较高的 稳定性(大部分主体框架在300℃以上 保持稳定)。

  • The closely watched Australia Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics this week put China 's net thermal coal imports this year at 98m tonnes still below Japan but above South Korea until now the second-largest importer .

    受到密切关注的澳大利亚农业和资源经济局(Abare)本周预计,中国今年的 电煤净进口量将达到9800万吨, 低于日本,但高于迄今一直是第二大进口国的韩国。

  • For Ising model thermal entanglement still exists without magnetic field .

    对于尹辛模型,在无磁场时 纠缠 依然存在。

  • Note facial appearance of patients with thermal point rate still very high . 6 .

    说明面瘫患者 热敏点的出现率 还是很高的。

  • Natural gas engines are used widely but problems such as low thermal efficiency and large cycle-to-cycle variation still exist .

    天然气发动机虽然应用较广,但 存在 效率不高、循环变动较大的问题。

  • Why small thermal power 's operation seems stopped while still exists ?


  • In the analysis in which the weld residual stress is included the thermal stress induced by local heating is still the main control factor .

    当同时考虑焊接残余应力时,局部加热过程本身带来的 应力 仍是影响热处理效果的主要控制因素。

  • Strong thermal stability of peroxidase there are still some activity after fixation in the process decreased Ottawa pile disappear .

    过氧化物酶 稳定性较强,杀青后 还有一部分酶活性,在渥堆过程中逐渐下降消失。

  • Up to now there is not appropriate dynamic thermal comfort index and model PMV index is still used in the study .

    由于目前并无合适的动态 舒适指标和模型,研究 仍旧采用PMV指标。

  • The nanocrystalline electrodepositing coating with high corrosion and erosion resistance should be extensively used for the parts of engine and piston in automobile but its thermal stability still needed improving .

    认为100μm以下的纳米晶电沉积层的高耐蚀耐磨性在汽车发动机、液压活塞等零部件上将会进一步应用,纳水晶镀层的 稳定性 需改善。

  • The two appliances can help rural residents against the extreme cold but indoor thermal comfort is still poor during winter .

    这两种设施虽帮助农户抵御了极度的寒冷,但冬季室内的 舒适性 仍然很差。

  • Thermal power is still the main component of electric energy at present .

    火力发电在目前以及今后一段时间内 仍然是电力能源的主要组成部分。

  • However styles of ancient volcanism their links with the earliest volcanic constructions and the thermal evolution of the planet are still not well understood .

    但是古老火山作用的形式,它们和最早期火山建造以及与整个火星 演化的联系 不清楚。

  • Due to the relatively high thermal efficiency and operation reliability Diesel Engines will still be the main engine in the near future .

    由于具有较高的 效率和可靠性,柴油机是最主要的船舶主机,在未来的20年或 更长的时间内,这种状况不会得到太大的改变。

  • Thermal lens effect is still the problem for the development of Yb : YAG thin-disk laser .

    透镜效应 仍是Yb:YAG碟片激光器发展道路上无法回避的问题。

  • Thermal version still other problems such as mesh point size and non-control of the speed of the image area .

    热敏 其他问题,如网点尺寸和非图像区域感光度的控制问题。

  • When the main flow temperature was high ( e.g.2500 K ) and the wall temperature was low ( e.g.800 K ) the effect of the thermal radiation was not strong and the transpiration cooling effect was still obvious .

    当主流为高温气体(如:2500K)、而壁面温度较低时(如:800K) 辐射的影响不大,发汗冷却效果 仍然很明显。