thermoelectric series

[ˌθɚmoɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈsɪriz][ˌθə:məuiˈlektrik ˈsiəri:z]


  • Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Misfit Layered Cobaltite and La-doped Series

    失配层钴酸盐与掺镧 系列的电子结构与 热电性能

  • The matched load of thermoelectric generator is not equal to the internal resistance unlike most circuit . ( 2 ) The performances of parallel thermoelectric generator and series thermoelectric generator were studied by theoretical analysis and experimental test .

    通过理论分析和实验测试,研究了温差发电器 串联连接和并联 连接的性能。