


  • Quantum Chemical Studies on Tautomerism of Tetrazole

    异构体异构 反应的量子化学研究

  • The application of high nitrogen energetic compounds in solid propellant gas generant explosive and smoke agent are reviewed . These high nitrogen energetic compounds are composed of tetrazine tetrazole and furazan .

    综述了四嗪、 和呋咱等高氮含能化合物在固体推进剂、气体发生剂、炸药、烟火药等中的应用。

  • Optimization of synthetic technology condition for 5 - ( 2 ′ - pyridyl ) tetrazole

    5-(2′-吡啶) 的合成工艺优化

  • Inhibition Action and Adsorption Behavior of Two Tetrazole Derivative Inhibitors on Copper in Alkaline Medium

    2种 衍生物缓蚀剂在碱性介质中对铜的缓蚀性能和吸附行为

  • Many have been used as gas generating agent propellant pyrotechnics and high explosives etc.A series of tetrazole energetic compounds were synthesised based 5-aminotetrazole .

    许多已应用于气体发生剂、推进剂、烟火剂和高能炸药等方面。本文以5-氨基四唑( 5-ATZ)为原料,制备了一系列 含能化合物。

  • The Mechanisms of the Thermal Decompositions of Tetrazole Derivatives : Molecular Modeling Studies


  • Progress in High-nitrogen Energetic Materials Derived from Tetrazine and Tetrazole

    国外四嗪四 类高氮含能材料研究进展

  • Tetrazole derivatives can be widely used in national defense technology medicine and agriculture .


  • Replaced 2-chloropyridine in ABT-594 with 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole or 5-methyl tetrazole and ( or ) instead of the CH_2O with CH_2 as linking arm the analgesic activity didn ′ t obviously decrease .

    用2-甲基-5-硝基咪唑或5-甲基 四氮唑代替吡啶和2-氯吡啶,用亚甲基代替氧桥键作为连接臂所合成的化合物,其镇痛活性并无明显下降;

  • Theoretical calculations on the tautomerization of five tetrazole derivatives are performed with MNDO MO method .

    运用MNDOMO法对五种 衍生物的互变异构反应进行了理论计算。

  • The increasing of oxygen content in complexes have a significant influence on the thermal decomposition of mixture system which approves that the idea adding carboxylic acid to the M / triazole / tetrazole system is reasonable for the combustion catalysis in double-base solid propellant .

    配合物含氧量的增加对混合体系热分解的影响是明显的,通过将羧酸引入到 CuCo、Ni/三唑、 体系来实现双基同体推进剂燃烧催化的思路合理。

  • Synthesis of 5 - ( 2-Amino-4-chlorophenyl ) tetrazole

    5-(2-氨基-4-氯苯基) 四氮唑的合成

  • Plant hormone activity of Schiff bases of triazole thiadiazole and tetrazole

    三氮唑,噻二唑和 席夫碱的植物激素活性

  • The target compound was cut off from the middle of the two benzene ring of Biphenyl Tetrazole and the key step was accomplished through Suzuki Coupling reaction .

    该合成 策略是将目标 分子从联苯 四氮唑的两个苯环中间切断,最后以Suzuki偶联为关键步骤来实现的。

  • Tetrazole and carbostyril and their derivatives are widely applied as cardiovascular drugs .

    四氮唑及2(1H)-喹啉酮类 氮稠杂环化合物及其衍生物是重要的医药中间体,其药物广泛应用于心血管类疾病的治疗。

  • To make ( a word ) by derivation or composition . Theoretical Study on Tetrazole and Its Derivatives ( 8 ) Ab initio Study on Nitramino Derivatives of Tetrazole

    衍生用派生法或复合法构(词) 及其衍生物的理论研究(8)硝氨四唑衍生物的从头算

  • The common method such as protein electrophoresis tetrazole staining burgeon experiment and farm experiment can measure vigour and purity of seed but it can not be satisfied for actual request of seed producing in the way of speed and precision of data processing and result analyse .

    蛋白电泳、 染色、发芽率实验和田间实验等常规方法虽能测定种子纯度和活力,但在数据处理的速度、精度和结果分析等方面远远不能满足种子生产的实际需要。

  • Synthesis and biological activity of Schiff base of 5 - amino - tetrazole

    5-氨基 Schiff碱的合成与生物活性

  • The synthesis of 5-substituted Tetrazole derivatives by microwave radiation method

    微波辐射法合成5-取代 四氮唑衍生物

  • For the ab initio molecular dynamics studies on the unimoleculars decomposition of the four tetrazole derivatives dissociation trajectories are simulated at different temperatures using the VASP package .

    借助于 VASP程序包,我们分别对不同温度下的反应轨迹进行了分子动力学模拟计算。

  • Study on Synthesis of 5-Substituted Tetrazole by the Microwave Irradiation

    微波辐射催化合成5-取代 的研究

  • Metal and triazole / tetrazole can be built mononuclear binuclear and trinuclear complexes . Carboxylic acid ligands are introduced the M - triazole / tetrazole system leading to coordination polymers and supermolecular structures by different coordination modes and intermolecular interaction . 2 .

    金属与 配体可形成单核、双核、三核结构单元,羧酸类配体再通过不同的配位模式及分子间作用力将其连接成为配位聚合物及三维超分子结构。

  • Theoretical Study on Tetrazole and Its Derivatives ( 9 ) & ab initio MO and Thermodynamic Calculations of Cyano Derivatives of Tetrazole


  • Study on the synthesis of 1 tetrazole

    1二甲基 的合成研究

  • Seven new coordination modes of the six bistetrazole ligands involved in these compounds are observed which enriches the coordination chemistry of tetrazole . 3 .

    在上述配合物结构中,本文发现了有关上述配体的7种未见文献报道的双 配位模式,丰富了 的配位化学。

  • Tetrazole compounds and its salts have high formation enthalpy high melting points low vapor pressure and good thermal stability which is a kind of promising energetic compounds .


  • As the results the tetrazole derivatives as additives in liquid paraffin and / or commercial lithium grease help to increase the load carrying capacities and anti wear ability .

    结果表明: 四氮唑 官能团的衍生物添加剂能在 一定 程度上提高 3锂基脂和液体石蜡的承载能力,并具有较好的抗磨性能。

  • Synthesis and anti-histamine release activity of phenyl tetrazole compounds

    苯基 四氮唑 化合物的合成与抗组胺释放活性研究

  • The Effect of Several Tetrazole Derivatives as Additives on the Extreme-pressure and Antiwear Properties of Liquid Paraffin and a Lithium Grease
