textual character

[ˈtɛkstʃuəl ˈkærəktɚ][ˈtekstʃuəl ˈkæriktə]

[计] 文本符号,正文符号

  • Dai Zhen who lived in the time of the textual criticism of the generation made a great contribution to the textual criticism of Qing Dynasty with his distinctive academic character and academic theory .

    生活于考据学风盛行时代的戴震,以其独到的学术 品格和学术理论,为清代 考据运动作出了卓越的贡献。

  • On the basis of the textual analysis of the novel V-effect of character depiction from Russian formalism is used to explore the novelty and peculiarity of the depiction of Santiago .

    在对小说 文本进行分析的基础上,尝试运用俄国形式主义学派的陌生化手法解读桑提亚哥这一 人物形象塑造的新颖、奇特之处。

  • In the context of epigraphy in Tai Hing combined with his research on the textual research of gold tablets he put forward a Tang stele seal character restoring ancient ways of spirit .

    在书法方面,他反对日渐圆滑、靡弱的赵、董书风,在金石学大兴的背景下,结合自己大量研究 考证金石碑版,他提出了学习唐碑、 隶的复古精神。

  • This paper presents a fuzzy-logic approach to analyzing typographical structures of textual blocks in order to be used for character preclassification .

    本文提出了一种用于 字符预分类的模糊逻辑分析法,对 文本字符作印刷结构分析。

  • All of the previous examples have dealt with textual or character data : You wrote and read character strings .

    前面所有的示例都处理 文本数据或 字符数据:写入和读取字符string。

  • Text textual analysis of their own life experiences and character traits to be evaluated .

    文中 考证分析了各自的生平经历,并对其 性格特点加以评价。

  • Textual Criticism on the Characterization Archetype and the Original Story of The Scholar during Qing Dynasty Character Origin and Remodelling in Lu Xun 's Works

    清人对《儒林外史》人物原型及情节本事的 考据&纪念吴敬梓诞辰三百周年鲁迅作品中的 人物原型及其改造