
[θəˈlaɪə, ˈθeliə, ˈθeljə][θəˈlaiə]


  • In the different aquatic vegetation types Ass. Phragmites australis + Typha orientalis + Nelumbo nucifera Ass. Thalia dealbata + Zizania latifolia + Alternanthera philoxeroides Ass. Alternanthera philoxeroides could maintain relative good state with water environment compared to the other types .

    在有水生植被的水塘中,芦苇+香蒲+莲 +野茭白+水花生 水花生 丛相比其他类型的 水生植物群落更能与水环境维持相对好的状态。

  • Influence of extracts from four plants on feeding choice of the 4th instar larvae of Actinote thalia pyrrha

    四种植物提取物对艳 珍蝶四龄幼虫取食选择的影响

  • Selected alkali treatment and Thalia dealbata as external carbon source . 2 .

    选定碱处理 秸秆作为外加碳源。

  • Old Times Harold Pinter Thalia Theater Hamburg .

    哈罗德·品特作品《 旧日》汉堡 塔利亚剧院。

  • Thalia and vetiver in the winter the temperature drop as the emergence of yellow leaves resulting in the two plants is not high chlorophyll content photosynthesis reduced .

    和香根草在入冬 以后,随着气温的下降,出现了叶片枯黄,导致该两种植物叶绿素含量不高,光合作用降低。

  • Lythrum salicaria Thalia dealbata Canna glauca as a new variety of aquatic plants has been widely used in the landscape water in recent year . However their repaired function for pollution water should be further studied .

    梭鱼草、 水生美人蕉等水生植物作为湿地水体绿化植物的新进品种,在景观水体的绿化和美化中得到广泛应用,但其是否可以作为污染水体的修复植物有待于进一步研究。