written bidding

[ˈrɪtn ˈbɪdɪŋ][ˈrɪtn ˈbɪdɪŋ]

[法] 书面投标

  • Upon written request of the Bidder the Bidding Documents can also be delivered by a special courier at an additional payment of US $ 70 ( destination abroad ) or RMB250 ( destination within PR China ) .

    应投标商 书面要求, 招标文件可通过特快专递邮寄,邮寄费70美元(目的地在境外)或250人民币(目的地在中国境内)。

  • This article is written to explore how to make use of the consumption of the current norms at home to quickly perform the quantitative analysis and unit price computation of the labour materials and machines in international bidding for engineering projects .

    探讨如何利用国内现有定额的消耗量,在国际工程 投标中迅速进行工料机用量分析和单价计算。

  • Applicants who receive the prequalification notice are required a written confirm in24 hours after been notified and purchase the bidding documents in3 days after confirmation .

    申请人收到通知后,应于24小时内 书面复函确认,并于复函之日起3日内按规定到指定地点购买 招标文件。