
[ˈraɪtˌʌp][raɪt ʌp]


  • Before you read the following write-up please review the photos and come up with as many observations as possible so that you can compare your feeling and what those people living on this street think daily .

    在你读接下来的 评论 以前,请 重复看看照片而达到尽可能地多的观察所得,你就能以自己的感觉来推想出住在这个街的人平日的想法了。

  • Complete write-up on Service Management and Monitoring is beyond the scope of this article .

    全面 讨论服务管理和监视超出了本文的范围。

  • Each write-up is courtesy of the student named and used with permission .

    课程 有关学生许可引用 有关 评论特此 鸣谢

  • The program got a good write-up .

    这个项目受到了 好评

  • His latest play got was given an enthusiastic write-up in the local press .

    他的最新剧本获得当地新闻界的热情 赞扬

  • The concert got a good write-up in the newspaper .

    音乐会受到报纸的 广泛 赞扬

  • His performance got a good write-up in the media which made him well known and rich over night And at the same time a very bad example was set up for the youngsters to follow .

    他的演出受到媒体的 终于 实现了他一 成名,一夜暴富的 梦想,与此同时给年轻人树立了一个非常不好的榜样。

  • We expect a four page write-up about the project which should clearly and succintly describe the project goal methods and your results .

    我们希望你必须为专题 缴交四页的 报告,明确且充分地描述了专题的目的、方法及你的结果。

  • The inspector didn 't give the restaurant a very favourable write-up .

    检查员在 报告中对这家 饭馆 评价不是非常好。

  • The following items are suggestions as to the write-up of theses .

    下列的项目是提议关于 - 论题

  • The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel .

    指南上有对每个饭店的 简评

  • The result of the project should be a write-up in the style of one of these handouts .

    专题的结果应写成一个像 课程 讲义的书面 报告

  • The show received a good write-up

    演出获得了 好评

  • Special Note : As mentioned in the previous section for the2-page write-up on call-centers the evaluation will be based primarily on the students'responses to the questions asked on the case .

    特别注意:如前所述,评估 传呼中心的两页案例文章,主要是基于学生回答案例的问题。

  • Each student will have to submit their own write-up of the solutions .

    每个学生仍需缴交自己的 书面 答案

  • I did the following write-up for the Hunters in my guild .

    下面的 文章是我大概 3 之前为我公会的猎人们 的。

  • The concert got a good write-up .

    那次音乐会获得 好评

  • After a front page write-up in Monday 's Financial Times the non-twittering teenager became the subject of hundreds of newspaper articles innumerable blog posts and thousands of tweets .

    上周一英国《金融时报》 头版刊登相关报道后,这位不用Twitter的少年变成了数百篇报纸文章、无数博客日志和数千条tweet信息的主题。

  • That is while drawing on your own intuitions and past experience about the material being presented is permissible it is not analysis and should play a minor role in your write-up .

    也就是说,以你自己的与此材料有关的洞察力与过去的经验来书写是被允许的,这并非是分析,并应该在你的 作业 占一小 部份

  • These summaries no longer than one page single-spaced should become part of the write-up final report which follows .

    这些摘要的长度不超过一页,单行间距,并应成为接下来的 书面总结报告的一部分。

  • Not only that but the standard was an after-the-fact write-up which meant that by the time it came to fix problems ( such as odd version numbers ) it was already too late .

    不仅如此,这还会 导致标准成为事后 诸葛亮&想解决问题时(例如奇数的版本号)却发现已经太迟了。

  • The securities division also benefited from a $ 400m gain on its leveraged loans and mortgage-backed assets the first time a US bank has disclosed a significant write-up on the value of securities that have caused huge losses to the sector .

    证券部门也受益于杠杆贷款和抵押支持证券业务的4亿美元增值。这是美国银行业第一次披露这类资产 账面价值大幅 上升此类证券资产 缩水曾给全行业带来巨额亏损。

  • There was a write-up of the accident in the newspaper .

    报上有一 意外事件的报道。

  • I 'll show you the write-up from the Canton gazette .

    我给你看州报上的 报道

  • There was a little write-up about you in the paper today .

    在今天的报纸 有一 小段有关你的 报导

  • The local newspaper gave a long write-up to the meeting .

    当地报纸对此会议作了长篇 报道

  • The daily mail had as good a write-up as any on the subject complete with an attention-getting headline wondering if apple is jumping on the bandwagon driven by its peers .

    英国《每日邮报》(DailyMail)对此 发表 长篇 评论 文章,并配上了夺人眼球的标题,质疑“苹果(是否)在跟随潮流”,唯竞争对手 马首是瞻

  • All group members should contribute to the case write-up which is expected to be original material .

    所有的分组成员都必须对预期为原始资料的 个案 观点有所贡献。