theoretical physics

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈfɪzɪks][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈfiziks]


  • My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay attention to the study of theoretical physics because one day there may well be proof of multiple universes .

    我建议任何伤心的小女孩都应该关注 理论 物理的研究,因为终有一天,我们会有多重宇宙的证据。

  • Recently my interest is in astrophysics theoretical physics and the philosophical meaning behind physics .

    我近期的的主要兴趣在天体物理学、 理论 物理学、以及物理世界背后的哲学内涵。

  • So in your perspective how far away for theoretical physics to achieve the dream made by Albert Einstein it 's called the Grand Unified Field Theory ?

    因此,在您的角度看,如何远离 理论 物理实现的梦想所作的阿尔伯特爱因斯坦,这是所谓的大统一场理论?

  • I will help my daughter with her autistic son and maybe buy a holiday home not that I take many holidays because I enjoy my work in theoretical physics he wrote .

    我将帮助我的女儿和她患有自闭症的儿子,也许会买一个度假别墅,不是我有很多假日,因为我喜欢从事 理论 物理的工作,他写道。

  • However Langan isn 't teaching theoretical physics at Harvard & he 's a rancher in Missouri .

    然而,兰根最终也没能在哈佛教授 理论 物理&他只是密苏里的一名农场工人。

  • Theoretical physics is the main course of physics major and the teaching of theoretical physics course plays an important role in the research of basic science and the training of physics talents .

    理论 物理是物理学专业的主干课程,理论物理课程的教学对于基础科学研究和物理学专业人才培养起着至关重要的奠基作用。

  • The discipline of theoretical physics in Zhejiang University is one of the first PhD-awarding branches approved in1981 over China .

    浙江大学 理论 物理学科是1981年获准的全国首批博士点之一。

  • In fact one of the hottest themes in theoretical physics is whether time itself is illusory .

    事实上, 理论 物理学中最热门的主题就是:时间是否为幻象?

  • It would also continue to fund some areas of basic research including mathematics theoretical physics and military research .

    政府也应该继续资助一些基础领域的研究,诸如数学、 理论 物理和军事研究等。

  • Theories of extra dimensions are hot topics in theoretical physics .

    额外维是当前 理论 物理研究的热点。

  • Here over the next few years Bohr devoted himself to the development of the University Institute for Theoretical Physics which soon became an international center for research and study .

    在这里,在今后几年中,玻尔投身发展的大学 理论 物理研究所,它很快成为一个国际研究中心和研究。

  • I personally was accepted into the Dept of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Cambridge i.e.Hawking 's dept !

    我自己就进入到剑桥的 理论 物理学与应用数学系。

  • Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine Hawking chose instead to concentrate on math and theoretical physics first at Oxford and then at Cambridge .

    他父亲是个医生,曾敦促他学医,但他没有从命,而是先后在牛津大学和剑桥大学专攻数学和 理论 物理

  • He was persuaded to become director of Theoretical Physics in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute .

    人们说服他担任凯撒-威廉学院 理论 物理学 学科主任。

  • He became the head of the Kaiser Whilhem Institute of theoretical physics .

    他成了威廉国王的 物理 理论研究所的所长。

  • He swapped theoretical physics for the medical kind and began a life of vigorous opposition to nuclear weapons .

    他把自己的 理论 物理 知识用于医学,并开始了积极反对核武器的人生之路。

  • Milner 51 holds an advanced degree in theoretical physics from Moscow State University but abandoned a PhD at the Russian Academy of Sciences for an MBA at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania .

    Milner,51岁,拥有一个从莫斯科州立大学获得的 理论 物理学高等学位,但为了宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的MBA放弃了在俄罗斯科学院的博士学位。

  • Institute of theoretical physics became the excellent center for post-doctoral studies awarded by Ministry of Personnel in2005 .

    理论 物理研究所博士后流动站获得2005年人事部授予的全国优秀博士后科研流动站。

  • Rs the authors note theoretical physics was one of the very few jobs for which his mind was the only real tool he needed .

    用本书的两位作者的话来说,研究 理论 物理是他能做的屈指可数的几件工作之一这些工作实际需要的工具仅是他的大脑。

  • Theoretical physics tells us that every operation on quantum bits ( except for measurement ) must be undoable .

    理论 物理学告诉我们对量子位进行的所有操作(除了测量以外)必须可撤消。

  • The bilingual teaching in the courses of theoretical physics has provided us with a better understanding of and insight into the positive impact of bilingual teaching on undergraduate students .

    通过对 理论 物理课程双语教学的实践,我们对 物理学本科学生实践双语教学的作用有了更深刻的认识和理解。

  • For instance in the Department of Physics one has theoretical physics technical physics astrophysics and chemical physics to choose from .

    例如在物理系就可以选择 理论 物理,技术物理,天体物理或者化学物理专业。

  • Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences ( ITP-CAS ) is a fundamental research center for the basic core topics of theoretical physics and interdisciplinary research .

    中国科学院 理论 物理研究所是从事理论物理最基本核心问题研究、注重交叉学科理论发展的基础研究中心。

  • My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay close attention to the study of theoretical physics .

    我建议每个心碎的年轻女孩密切关注 理论 物理学的研究。

  • The lady the wife of an American physicist had mentioned that her husband was studying at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen .

    那位夫人是一位美国物理学家的妻子,曾经谈到:他的丈夫正在哥本哈根大学的 理论 物理研究所搞研究。

  • We welcome excellent doctors and post doctors working on theoretical physics and interdisciplinary area to apply for Post-doctoral positions of ITP .

    热忱欢迎全球有志于 理论 物理及交叉学科研究的优秀应届博士毕业生和博士后申请理论物理所博士后研究位置。

  • Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels .

    量子力学是 理论 物理的一基本分支, 理论 物理在原子与亚原子水平上取代牛顿力学和经典电磁学。

  • A slot in the structure of theoretical physics was ready and waiting for the position when Anderson discovered it in 1932 .

    安德森在1932年发现正电子时,在 理论 物理结构中已经准备好虚位等待正电子。

  • In physics as you know we have theoretical physics and experimental what you call observational physics .

    在物理学,如你所知,我们 理论 物理和实验,你叫什么物理观测。