


  • The socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom .

    社会主义的资产者愿意要现代社会的生存条件,但是不要 这些条件必然 产生的斗争和危险。

  • No statements made by an arrested person or evidence obtained therefrom maybe introduced at trial unless the person was advised of or validly waived his Miranda right .

    除非被逮捕人被告知了(保持沉默的)权利或主动放弃了米兰达权利,其作出的任何陈述或 获得的 任何证据均不得在庭审中展示。

  • Therefrom under the peaceful outside of the frames appear springing up as undercurrent and full of tension .

    画面平和的外表下 由此 显得暗潮涌动、富有张力。

  • Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom .

    由此产生的一切后果 你方负责。

  • But for me all omens are favourable if I will for whatever the issue may be it is in my power to get benefit therefrom .

    但是对于我本身来说,如果我想,所有的预兆都是对我好的,因为不管我失去了什么,我还是可以自己 觉得从中获得 益处

  • Those failing to exercise effective control and supervision shall also undertake liability arising therefrom .

    管理和监督不力的也 应承 连带责任。

  • To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify therefrom common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward .

    尊重和发展世界文明的多样性,并在这种 多样性中找到共同利益之所在,是人类社会向前发展的伟大动力。

  • Proceeded thence directly to college ; flew to Helsinki and thence to Moscow ; roads that lead therefrom .

    直接从这里到大学去了;飞到 赫尔辛基再从那里到莫斯科;从这里往下的路。

  • Definition : Soft Soap is soap made by the interaction of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide with a suitable vegetable oil or oils or with fatty acids derived therefrom .

    定义: 软皂是一种由氢氧化钾或氢氧化钠和适合的植物油或油或 生产的脂肪酸作用生成的肥皂。

  • Owner 's equity results from state investment in the collective ownership enterprise and the income earned therefrom .

    国家对集体企业的投资及其 收益 形成的所有者权益。

  • Any act of one or more persons whether or not agents of a sovereign power for political or terrorist purposes and whether the loss or damage resulting therefrom is accidental or intentional .

    任何以政治或恐怖为目的的个人或多人,而不论是否为主权国家的机构,也不论因此发生的 损失发射 失败是意外事故还是故意行为。

  • The vessels causing the problems shall bear all the costs arising therefrom .

    由此发生的一切费用, 肇事 船方承担。

  • Interpretation may be provided where a litigant so requests and the litigant shall bear the costs therefrom .

    当事人要求提供翻译的,可以提供,费用 当事人承担。

  • Other property which may sustain loss from a maritime peril and the liability and expenses arising therefrom .

    (七)于发生保险事故可能受到损失的其他财产和 产生的责任、用。

  • This invention describes novel lipoxygenase genes and promoters transit peptides and proteins derived therefrom .

    本发明描述了新的脂氧化酶基因及 其中 衍生的启动子、转运肽和蛋白质。

  • The dumping entity and those who benefit from the emergency aversion of hazards or life salvage shall make compensation for the pollution damage arising therefrom .

    倾倒单位和紧急避险和救助人命的受益者,应对 由此所造成的污染损害进行补偿。

  • Because this man in earth 's human society depart therefrom into crisis when as a result of his wisdom makes and boldly appear saved the earth humans .

    因为,这个人在地球人类社会 误入 迷途陷入危险期的时候,由于有了他的大智大慧和果敢出现,拯救了地球人类。

  • The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed but should instead be treasured .

    中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃,而应该 倍加珍惜。

  • Pay interest derived therefrom and reimburse the consumers with costs reasonably incurred .

    并应当 承担预付款的利息、消费者必须支付的合理费用。

  • Four kinds of common motor phase failure operation are analysed and therefrom the current-voltage equal-ratio rule is derived and verified .

    分析了四类常见的电动机断相运行,并 由此推出和验证了断相运行状态下的电流&电压等比规律。

  • This paper will establish a general deformation equation group for two-hanging point horizontal boom of tower crane therefrom its deformation and internal force can be universally calculated .


  • Calm down yourself and give the matter your careful consideration otherwise you 'll have to bear all the consequences arising therefrom .

    请你平静下来对这个问题作慎重考虑,否则你将承担 由此造成的所有后果。

  • The penalties provided for in Articles 32 to 36 of these Regulations shall not exempt the litigant from the damages liabilities arising therefrom .

    本条例第三十二条至第三十六条规定的处罚不免除 由此产生的对 他人的损害赔偿责任。

  • A pressurized displacement gas ( 10 ) is fed to a first container or group of containers to discharge the liquefied gas therefrom .

    将加压的 换气(10) 多个容器的第一或第一组容器中从中排出所述液化

  • ( I ) nature of the subsidy or subsidies in question and the trade effects likely to arise therefrom ;

    (ⅰ)所涉一项或几项补贴的性质和 因此可能 产生的贸易影响;

  • If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well .

    受害人因此遭受其他重大 损失的,侵害人并应当赔偿损失。

  • Several Analysis About Nonfeasance and Urgent Avoiding Risks & Talk from a Case of Slighting Lifesaving ; The dumping entity and those who benefit from the emergency aversion of hazards or life salvage shall make compensation for the pollution damage arising therefrom .

    不作为与紧急避险的若干辨析&从一起怠于救人案谈起倾倒单位和紧急避险和救助人命的受益者,应对 由此所造成的污染损害进行补偿。

  • No unit or individual may use any of them without permission ; otherwise the unit or individual concerned shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom .

    任何单位和个人未经同意,不得 擅用,否则将承担一切法律责任。