thermodynamic change

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk tʃendʒ][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik tʃeindʒ]


  • The thermodynamic characteristics of flue gas will change as the load of a supercharged boiler changes .

    增压锅炉负荷 变化时,烟气侧 热力学特性将 发生 改变

  • Thermodynamic model for ordered phase transition in C60 crystal is presented . The thermodynamic properties for C60 crystal is calculated using this model . The ordering parameter entropy inter-energy and specific heat occur sudden change at the critical temperature and fitting to the experimental results .

    对C60晶体中的有序相变提出了一个热力学模型,并计算了 热力学性质.在同一临界温度上,序参量、熵、内能及比热都发生明显的跃 ,与实验结果符合。

  • By using thermodynamic and kinetic theories the mechanism that annealing in freeze-drying process of pharmaceuticals can change the structure of frozen pharmaceuticals was explained .

    运用 热力学和动力学理论分析了药品冷冻干燥过程中的退火操作 改变冻结药品结构的机理。

  • The thermodynamic approaches to predict particle morphology were summarized and the rule of minimum interfacial free energy change was discussed in detail .

    总结了复合微粒形态的 热力学预测方法,尤其对界面自由能量的 变化最小原则进了评述。

  • A thermodynamic equilibrium was introduced by calculating the interfacial Gibbs free energy change which can be used to control and predict the morphology of particles .

    介绍了 热力学研究的概况,并通过计算界面自由能 变化最小来控制和预测粒子的形态。

  • So what they do is they 're describing how these thermodynamic properties change in terms of only state functions and state variables .

    他们的作用是描述,随着状态函数和状态变量的 变化,系统的 热力性质如何 变化

  • The thermodynamic parameters determined that the speed-control step was same and the reversibility of oxygen evolution reaction did not change .

    说明在一定范围内温度的提高并未 改变析氧的速控步骤,同时该过程的 动力学数据还表明电极析氧反应的可逆性没有 显著 变化

  • Thermodynamic Discussion and Graphic Representation of influence of Temperature Change on the Chemical Balance

    温度 变化对化学平衡影响的 热力学讨论及图示

  • Comparison of Thermodynamic Models in Design of Phase Change Materials Using Hydrated Molten Salts as Agents ; Melt Index Prediction by BP Neural Networks Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Data Auto-regression

    热力学模型在熔盐水合物 相变 能材料设计中预测能力的比较研究基于典型相关分析和数据自回归处理的BP神经网络在聚丙烯熔融指数预报中的应用

  • In the thermodynamic equilibrium calculation results that represent phase change and phase composition with the condition of cooling or heating gradually But the heating and cooling speed in the experiment is faster .

    相图为平衡状态的 热力学计算结果,即表征了以缓慢升温或冷却速度条件下的 相变、相组成。而实验升温、冷却速度均较快。

  • Thermodynamic Prediction of the Phase Diagrams of the Molten salt Hydrates as Phase Change Materials

    熔盐水化物 相变 能材料的应用及 理论预测方法

  • A thermodynamic theory is presented and three components : the ratio of volume collapses the surface energy differences and the internal energy differences governing the change of transition pressure in nanocrystals were uncovered .

    热力学理论分析了造成纳米晶体材料(纳米晶)的相 转变压力与同种大块材料不同的主要因素是体积变化比,表面能差和内能差。

  • The main mechanism of the sonochemical reaction is the cavitation generated by ultrasonic wave in liquid and because of the change of the reaction conditions caused by cavitation . it results the thermodynamic change in the chemical reaction and improves the chemical reaction rate and productivity .

    声化学反应的主要机理是,超声波在液体中传播时产生的空化效应所致,由于空化作用所引起的反应条件的变化,导致了化学反应的 热力学 变化,使化学反应的速率和产率得以提高。

  • Determination of thermodynamic function change value by electromotive force method

    电动势法测定 热力学函数 变化

  • The value of temperature change was calculated by Thermodynamic equation . The three films all appear the maximum heating temperature change near their curie points .

    热力学公式计算铁电薄膜电热温变值,三种薄膜在各自的居里点附近均出现了最大电热温 值。

  • In this paper ion exchange equilibrium isotherms for natural mordenite ( Jinyun Xian Zhejiang province ) and synthetic mordenite in ammonium-potassium and ammonium-silver systems along with the calculated thermodynamic equilibrium constant and Gibb 's free energy change ⊿ G ° are presented .

    测定了NH4~+-K~+、NH4~+-Ag~+两个体系在浙江省缙云县岱石口的天然丝光沸石和合成丝光沸石上的离子交换平衡等温线,并计算出其 热力学平衡常数Ka和标准自由能 变化△G~0。

  • Thermodynamic function calculation shows that the adsorption is a spontaneous and exothermic process . Enthalpy and entropy change of the adsorption of methy orange are - 8.80kJ · mol-1 and - 18.01J · mol-1 · K-1 Free energy of the adsorption increases with the increase of temperature .

    热力学函数计算表明,自制吸附剂甲基橙的吸附是自发的放热过程,吸附热和熵 分别为-8.80KJ·mol-1和-18.01J·mol-1·K-1,吸附自由能随温度的升高而增加。

  • A model for the growth of vapor bubble in homogeneous superheated liquid was built up according to non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory of phase change .

    依据非平衡 动力学 相变理论建立了在均匀过热液中的汽泡生长模型。