


  • Thereinto the problem of matching feature points and feature lines introduce the trifocal tensor as the constraint condition .


  • Thereinto the method of passive compensation can not be used for flexure type GMA .


  • Thereinto the online examination system is very important and is also the most difficult to achieve and control .


  • Thereinto the most radical problem was asymmetry and irrelevance of explanation .


  • Thereinto strategy union decision-making is the most effective way hence gains the market and mutual benefit .


  • Thereinto process went through four phases namely gestation formation development and further development and compatible with twists and turns ;

    其中,“ 程”阅历了孕育、形成、发铺和入一步发铺与曲折兼容四个阶段;

  • Thereinto the algorithm that how to pick out cross areas was deduced from the algorithm how to identify points in areas .

    通过 推广点是否在区域内的 判定算法发展出新的 图形区域重叠判别算法。

  • Thereinto The two schemes are put forward to control COD .

    其中,对COD排放考虑了两种方案进行 总量控制。

  • Thereinto the emphasis is on multi-tasks layout and realization of the control system .


  • Thereinto seismic response of soil layer is the key problem in the study of ground motion .


  • Thereinto the research about non-FIFO network provides a new approach for least time path problem in non-FIFO network .

    所提出的非 FIFO网络最短路径理论为解决非FIFO网络最短时间路径问题提供了新的途径。

  • Thereinto the schemes of self-Adaption transmission control and media synchronization are expounded in particular .

    其中 重点阐述了系统的自适应传输控制和音视频的同步的解决方案。

  • Thereinto the research on spatial difference respectively analyzes the quantity of population and population quality .


  • Rumen microbes include bacteria mycetes and protozoans thereinto rumen bacteria and rumen mycetes could generate cellulase .

    瘤胃微生物主要包括细菌、菌和 原生动物

  • The loss of trees is a widespread problem thereinto .

    在这 其中,林木损失是 整个 森林 资源损失中一个十分普遍的问题。

  • In the whole civilization the institutional civilization possesses a significant position while the political civilization thereinto is more important .

    在整个文明中,制度文明具有十分重要的地位,其中政治文明 居于重要的位置。

  • Thereinto regarding self-control the writer used the famous candy experiment to tell us that a child 's self-control ability affects his life 's accomplishments .


  • Thereinto noise-trading herding arises when herding is caused by noise .


  • Results indicate the metal ions have coordinated with thereinto glucose hydroxy carboxyl amidocyanogen etc.

    结果表明金属离子与 其中的葡萄糖基、羟基、羧基、胺基等配位基发生了配位反应。

  • Thereinto the expert knowledge-based approach is adopted for tactics maneuver decision-making and situation type deciding .


  • Thereinto students ' evaluation is the most important of all .


  • Thereinto hydrology effect of Stem-leaf and mechanics effect of root system played a major role .


  • With the advent of his day all living entities are produced from the unmanifest and at the arrival of his night disappear again thereinto that which is designated as the unmanifest .

    当“他”的白昼到来时,所有的众生都从无形中化生出来;当“他”的黑夜降临时,所有的一切又都 化为乌有

  • Thereinto the choice of antisepsis measure and construction is very important to emolliently promise the usage of building and equipments and possibly develop the function of old building .


  • Thereinto the motor-control program contains the controlling of inverters and dirver ;


  • Thereinto it is very important for object-oriented technology modeling based on activity work and hierarchical modeling .


  • Thereinto the variation of mobile components in the rock resulted from fluid infiltration and the variation of immobile components was caused by the volume loss during mylonition .


  • Thereinto PON technology of low cost stabilization and transparent transmission becomes the effective way .
