theoretical stage

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl stedʒ][ˌθiəˈretikəl steidʒ]

[化] 理论级

  • The performance comparisons of the novel cross-flow cascade packed column with a counter-current packed column for stripping ethanol from water indicate that the gas-phase pressure drop per theoretical stage in the novel cross-flow column is significantly lower than that in a countercurrent packed column operation under identical conditions .

    该新式错流柱和同样条件的对流柱在分离水和乙醇的研究情况表明:每 理论 的气相压力降在新式错流柱中比对流柱明显更低。

  • Now the most research on speech localization technology is still in the theoretical simulation stage . Speech localization research is difficult in reasonable choice of the localization algorithm topological structures of microphone array reducing the surrounding environmental noise and so on .

    如今对语音定向技术的研究大多还处在 理论仿真 阶段,定向算法的合理选择、麦克风阵列的拓扑结构以及克服周围环境噪声的影响等,都是语音定向研究中的难点。

  • At the same time the most research of e-commerce revenue is still in the theoretical stage .

    同时,我国在电子商务税收领域的研究大部分仍停留在 理论 阶段

  • The current study about vibration control technology of active vehicle suspensions still remained at the theoretical stage . There are several issues needed to be resolved .

    当前的主动悬架减振控制研究基本上还停留在 理论 阶段,主要有以下几个方面的问题需要解决:第一,系统模型问题。

  • If these problems are not practically solved they would be remained in the theoretical research stage in a few years .

    这些问题如不进行实际的探索,几年以后可能仍停留在 理论研究 阶段

  • Matters accounting is the new areas of accounting theory to explore in recent years . But the research for matters accounting still remain in the theoretical and trial stage .

    事项会计是近年来会计理论探索的新领域,对于事项会计的研究还停留在 理论探索和试用 阶段

  • The current penal code of our country has not set up a system about the fault of victim and the research on this problem by scholars still stays in theoretical stage even without forming a powerful authority theory .

    我国现行刑法典中并未有关于被害人过错的制度设置,学者们对这一问题的研究也就仅停留在 理论探讨的 阶段,关于被害人过错的理论研究也未能形成有力的权威学说。

  • The Primary Theoretical Stage in Marx 's Ideological Process : A Critical Analysis on Strauss and Bauer 's Philosophical Basis of Christianity

    马克思思想历程的最初 理论 环节&对施特劳斯与鲍威尔关于基督教哲学基础的批判性分析

  • In the present paper the model of the theoretical sampling number for stage sampling was simplified .

    本文对 阶层抽样的 理论抽样数模型作了简化。

  • However recruitment based on the competence theory is still in the theoretical stage in China . Most of domestic enterprises can not use the competency model in the practical work which is a big problem for us .

    但是目前在我国企业中,多数还只是停留在胜任力理论招聘的 概念 阶段,并没有在招聘工作中实际开展胜任力模型的运用,这也是我国企业面临的一项难题。

  • Study on theoretical characteristics of two stage traveling vane in counter rotating fan

    对旋式风机Ⅱ 动叶 理论特性的研究

  • However the current study is still in the theoretical and experimental research stage and no uniform standard to follow .

    但目前的研究还处于 理论 研究和试验研究 阶段,且无统一的标准可依。

  • The research into the phonology of the Ge Lti of poems met the turn to the practical stage from the theoretical stage .

    对诗歌格律声韵的研究已从 理论 阶段完全转为实践阶段。

  • Township head P'an responded that training for guerrilla warfare had gone far beyond the theoretical stage and that the techniques of actual guerrilla combat had been stressed .

    镇长潘先生回答道,游击战的训练已经远超出 理论 阶段,已经把真实的游击战术作为重点训练。

  • The desorption condition of chromatography is studied the resolution and the theoretical stage number are calculated .

    实验研究了层析的洗脱条件,计算了层析柱的分离度及 理论 数。

  • Based on theoretical analysis of every stage the critical TMP is used to control the external membrane washing for a long-term stable operation of the membrane system .

    结合各 阶段膜污染的 理论分析,将临界跨膜压差值(TMP)作为膜系统体外维护清洗的控制点,实现膜系统的长期稳定运行。

  • However most Researches on Training Development in respect of HR Capital & Labor resources Quantitative Management are still in theoretical and abstractive stage .

    不过,基于人力资本与人力资源量化管理的培训与开发的研究,多数还是停留在探讨的 初期,比较 理论化和抽象化。

  • However most of the research for consistency still remains in the theoretical stage but simulate the results of the argument by computer .

    但是,大多数对于一致性研究仍停留在 理论 阶段,只是利用计算机对论证的结果进行了仿真。

  • The results showed that the coupling efficiency was optimum when reaction temperature was 90 ~ 110 ℃ coupling agent amount was 90 % ~ 110 % of theoretical amount by two stage addition and monomer concentration was 18.0 % ~ 19.5 % .

    结果表明,反应温度为90~110℃,偶联剂用量为 理论用量的90%~110%及采用2 加料方式,单体质量分数为18.0%~19.5%时,试样的偶联度及偶联效率较佳。

  • At present most traffic identification methods still remain in the theoretical stage so they cannot be applied to reality .

    目前的绝大部分流量检测方法的研究成果仍然停留在 理论 阶段,不能很好地应用于实际,而且许多相关技术存在着缺陷,有待优化和改进。

  • In China the research of knowledge network and networking innovation are mostly based on the theoretical exploration stage and take the network relation and structure as the main areas of research .

    在我国,关于网络化创新和知识网络的研究大多还处于 理论探索 阶段,以网络关系研究和网络结构研究为主要研究领域,对于知识网络的系统性分析和实证研究还并不多见。

  • While the issues concerning on the protection the supervision right of government revenue is still at the forefront of theoretical stage the studies or documents is fewer in China .

    我国对政府税收使用监督的课题,尚处于前沿 理论 阶段,研究它的学者和文献资料更是凤毛麟角。

  • Now the related products have been developed in foreign but in China this area is still in the theoretical research stage .

    国外已有相关的产品推向市场,但国内尚处于 理论研究 阶段

  • The developing history of Sustainable Development Education is devided into the evolution of five stages & sprout stage backdoor stage alternative development stage and theoretical system-in-the-beginning stage the last stage means that relative consensus has been made on theory and how to go into practice .

    提出可持续发展教育历史嬗变的五阶段说&思想萌芽阶段,借壳发展阶段,替代发展阶段, 理论体系开始建构 阶段,理论相对共识并付诸实践阶段。

  • At present Mobile Agent technology has the theoretical stage from the past into the practical phase but these Mobile Agent system does not provide a sound mechanism for guaranteeing the security of communications .

    目前移动Agent技术已经从过去的 理论 阶段进入到实用阶段,但是这些移动Agent系统并没有提供完善的安全通信保障机制。

  • However current research JMI most remain in the theoretical stage not the implementation of JMI micro research .

    但是目前针对JMI的研究多数都停留在 理论 阶段,没有对JMI的实施进行微观的研究。

  • A calculation example demonstrates that the theoretical stage number obtained by graphics is largely different from that by the proposed method .

    计算示例表明,图解法求得的 理论 级数与精确计算结果差别较大。

  • Although the generation of continuous auditing over half a century but has not been developed from the theoretical to the practical stage which a big reason is there is no reliable technical support .

    持续审计的产生虽然已有半个多世纪,可是一直没有从 理论发展到实践 阶段,其原因就是没有可靠的技术支撑。