

vt.& vi.创建理论,建立学说,推理

  • Sima Qian 's interpretation is the more adopted one though recent scholars also theorise that Li Sao is simply a different way of writing Lao Shang ; the latter is a generic name for a Chu song .

    尽管新进学者们认为 离骚只是劳商的另一种写法,而劳商即楚国歌曲的总称,人们还是多以司马迁的译法为

  • The specialty specialty objective and specialty feature are the basis of the theorise of speciality construction .

    精品课程建设中 突出专业特色是 高职 护理专业学生 学习《病理学》课程定位的目标。

  • This paper also use the statistical theorise and methods to analyze the impacts of customer word-of-mouth in business .

    本文还运用统计 理论和方法分析了客户口碑对商业方面的影响。

  • At present at home and abroad researches on theorise and numerical simulation of saturated-unsaturated infiltration are not enough especially the studies on the process of rainwater infiltration and its factors analysis under the condition of heavy rainfall are also not comprehensive enough .

    目前,国内外对饱和-非饱和渗流的 相关 理论和数值模拟的研究还不够深入,尤其在强降雨条件下,对水分的入渗过程以及渗流场影响因素分析的研究还不够全面和系统。

  • In fact for most of his career the architect who declined to teach or theorise was out of fashion .

    事实上,在他的大部分职业生涯中,这位拒绝教书和 创立 理论的建筑师是 不合潮流的。

  • In its internal management the thesis focuses on AB 's administration system especially on systemic and HR management With managing theorise it analyzes the internal systems randomicity and dissociative facts and discusses the importance of system in management .

    在企业内部管理方面,论文着重研究了 AB公司的企业管理制度,尤其是制度管理和人力资源管理。

  • While economists are free to theorise company chairmen are concerned with actualities .

    经济学家们可自由 创建 理论,公司总裁们则关心现实情况。

  • The core of the theory in ecological construction is the basic frame that is constructed by the theorise of the society economy nature compound ecological system the system ecology sustainable development and synchronous construction .

    生态建设理论的核心是社会经济自然复合生态系统 理论,系统生态学 理论,持续发展和同步建设 理论 个方面的基本 构架

  • Analysis of the Basic Theorise and the Reliability Assessment of The Vector Convertor Control System

    矢量变换控制系统 原理及可靠性评估