


  • I have an idea cross to theirs .

    我有一个与 他们的主张相反的 想法

  • Can you bear to hear any opinions contrary to theirs ?

    你能 耐心听不同意见吗?

  • Tell them I 'm yours not theirs .

    告诉他们我是你的,不是 他们的。

  • Share your dreams with a close one and listen to theirs .

    和亲密的人分享你的梦想,并聆听 他们的。

  • It would cost about £ 3 to install a new heating system in a flat such as theirs


  • Now they are returning to claim what was theirs .

    如今他们回来索取 属于 他们 东西

  • Theirs had been a happy and satisfactory marriage .


  • I talk about my hopes and fears and ask people about theirs .

    我会谈论我的希望和恐惧, 会询问 别人的希望和恐惧。

  • Our library is as big as theirs .

    我们的图书馆和 他们的一样大。

  • I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs .

    我认为你们的建议和 他们的一样有价值。

  • The time of our English class and theirs coincide .

    我们的英语课时间和 他们的英语课时间一致。

  • They gave me some books of theirs .

    他们把 他们的一些书给了我。

  • She shouldn 't restrain her anger at this insensible attitude of theirs .


  • How can we match our generosity against theirs ?

    我们怎么能和 他们的慷慨大方相比呢?

  • Then you can align your interests with theirs .

    然后你就可以和 他们的利益保持一致。

  • We must coordinate our operations with theirs .

    我们必须使我们的军事行动和 他们的协调一致。

  • Ours and theirs are sister schools .

    我们学校和 他们学校是姐妹学校。

  • Theirs is a respectable family .

    他们 不是 什么低三下四的人家。

  • There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs


  • I am able to reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs .

    我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和 的文化与 他们的语言 文化之间的鸿沟。

  • They understand our problems and we understand theirs .

    他们理解我们的问题,我们也理解 他们的。

  • Theirs had been an increasingly attenuated relationship .


  • But this credibility is not theirs to sell .

    可这并不是 它们可以出售信誉。

  • Our team triumphed over theirs .

    我们队胜了 他们队。

  • Last year our factory 's output was less than theirs but this year we 've caught up with them .

    去年我们厂的产量不如 他们,今年已经取齐了。

  • This child is nobody 's child until someone makes her theirs officially .

    在有人 办理正式 手续 认领以前,这个孩子不属于任何人。

  • It 's a little favor a tiny lie and you are theirs .

    说个小谎话,得到他们的好感,你就是 他们 了。

  • We 'll have to separate ours from theirs .

    我们得把我们的和 他们的分开。

  • He would leave the trailer unlocked . If there was something inside someone wanted it would be theirs for the taking

    他不会给那个活动房屋上锁。里面要是有什么别人想要的东西, 他们可以尽管拿。