


v.绞( wring的现在分词 )握紧(尤指别人的手)把(湿衣服)拧干绞掉(水)

  • She thought wringing her hands in an agony of helpless fear .

    双手 着,处于一种恐怖无依的极端痛苦之中。

  • His face was pale and he stared at his feet while wringing his hands nervously .

    他脸色苍白,眼睛紧盯着自己的双脚,同时 紧张地 双手。

  • She has such noisy unruly kids that she must feel like wringing their necks every day .

    她教的那些孩子天天吵吵闹闹、无法无天的,我想她每天 简直 不得 掐断他们的脖子。

  • As she went up the garden-path she heard her mother singing by the back door coming in sight of which she perceived Mrs Durbeyfield on the doorstep in the act of wringing a sheet .

    在她走进花园小径的时候,她听见了她的母亲在后门边唱歌,接着就看见德北菲尔德太太站在门口, 正在 一床刚洗的床单。

  • I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done wringing his hand .

    我看见他真是高兴极了,不 他的手 久久不放。

  • It 's no use just wringing our hands we must do something to help .

    咱们光 搓手没有用&得想办法帮帮忙。

  • Have you tried wringing a donation out of her ?


  • She rushed out of the room wringing her hands .

    她跑出屋去, 着双手。

  • Sobbing and crying and wringing her hands as if her heart would break ( Laurence Sterne ) .

    啜泣着并叫喊着, 紧握着双手,她的心好象马上就会破碎似的(劳伦斯斯特恩)。

  • Try soaking a cloth or sock in long wet grasses or plants and then wringing that water into the can .

    把布片或袜子浸在一片长而湿润的草地或植物上,再 绞出 吸收的水分 进易拉罐里。

  • The boy lent me a hand in wringing the clothes .

    这男孩帮助我 衣裳。

  • Car dealers are wringing their hands over low sates this summer .

    汽车销售商们正为今夏的低销售量而苦恼地 手顿脚。

  • Cried she wringing her hands . ' What is to be told to Ladybird ?


  • Avoid flailing them about wringing them together cracking your knuckles or toying with your rings .

    不要使劲儿地挥动双手, 不要双手 在一起,不要压指关节,或玩弄指环。

  • Placed in dry and shady avoid sun-baked and wringing .

    请放在阴凉干燥地方,避免日晒 雨淋

  • But tobacco firms are adept at wringing fatter profits from stagnant markets .

    不过 怎样从不景气的市场中 可能 油水是烟草企业的专长。

  • After some time we could see them by the little Light there was run about wringing their Hands like Men in Despair ;

    又过了一会儿,我们从傍晚 暗淡的光线下看见他们 惶然 跑来跑去,双手 来扭去,一副绝望的样子。

  • His predecessor Sandy Weill built a financial-services juggernaut by snapping up companies on the cheap wringing out the costs then buying more .

    他的前任,桑迪•威尔(Sandy Weill),不断通过以低价买入公司然后削减成本,从而建立了一个庞大的金融服务巨擘。

  • Then her sisters came up on the waves and gazed at her mournfully wringing their white hands .

    不一会,他的姐姐们都浮到水面上来了,她们悲哀地望着她,苦痛地 她们白净的手。

  • ' You would serve me best lady 'replied the girl wringing her hands 'if you could take my life at once ;

    “假如你能马上结束我的生命,小姐,”姑娘 着双手,回答,“就是为我大大尽了力了。

  • Leave wringing of your hands .


  • The villagers suffering a meager harvest and the many years of war quickly hid what little they had to eat and met the three at the village square wringing their hands and bemoaning the lack of anything to eat .

    然而由于粮食遭遇欠收和连年的战争,村民们迅速的将它们的一小点粮食藏了起来,并在村子的广场中接待了士兵们, 双手,哀叹着他们是多么缺少食物。

  • Let your hands and arms drop naturally to your side gently fold both indes fingers together without wringing or gripping your hands in any way ;

    将手和手臂自然地在身体两侧下垂,轻微屈起食指,不要 在一起或紧握拳头;

  • He is wringing out the water from his swimming trunks .

    他正在把游泳裤中的水 出来。

  • As I said this I made a motion as if I were wringing the water out of a rag .

    我说这话时,做了一个将抹布的水 的动作。

  • Are British investors just better at wringing a return from their money ?

    那么英国投资者只 擅长钱生钱吗?

  • The Government has got to get a grip . Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn 't good enough .

    政府必须采取 切实 行动,一 着手 感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。

  • She stood wringing her hands over the remains of her husband . His public expressions of grief are nothing but show .

    着手站在她丈夫遗骸 之前(表示悲哀)。他公开表示悲痛只不过是做做样子而已。

  • He was wringing wet after working in the field in the hot sun .

    烈日下在田里干活使他 汗流满面