theoretical arithmetic

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl əˈrɪθmɪtɪk][ˌθiəˈretikəl əˈriθmətik]


  • The paper introduces the structural composition of a new pattern and energy saving crank - slide bar beam pumping unit and deduces the theoretical arithmetic formula on its geometry parameters movement parameters and dynamical parameters .

    介绍了新型曲柄导杆式节能抽油机的结构组成,并推导出了曲柄导杆式抽油机的几何计算、运动计算和动力 计算 理论公式。

  • On this basis theoretical research on position and pose conjecture arithmetic of the robot respectively in both moving modes was completed .

    在此基础上,分别对机器人两种运动方式下的位姿推测 算法进行了 理论研究。

  • Theoretical Arithmetic and Optimum Design for the 0-3 Electronic Packaging Composites

    0-3型复合电子封装材料的 理论 计算与优化设计

  • The paper is based on innumerable practical heavy-load road data deliberate heavy-load standard in detail through theoretical arithmetic and bring heavy-load standard about cement concrete pavement and asphalt concrete pavement separately ;

    本文以大量的重载道路资料为主,从实际出发,结合 理论 计算,对重载标准进行了详细的讨论,分别给出了水泥混凝土路面与沥青混凝土路面的重载标准了;

  • Moreover a theoretical arithmetic is made for the two modes and the results differ slightly with the experimental results in the double heat sink mode while they have an excellent agreement in the single heat sink mode .

    通过对极限传热量进行 理论计算,发现 理论 计算 与实验值在单热沉工况下吻合较好,在双热沉工况下偏离稍大。

  • The rotation speed and precision of working table are determined by many factors of thrust bearing such as theoretical arithmetic design process and assembly etc. hydrostatic thrust bearing is mostly adopts analogy design without systematical and accurate calculation .

    工作台转盘旋转速度和精度是由静压推力轴承性能的 理论 计算、设计、加工和装配等多种因素决定的。

  • The simulation results are given to support validity of the theoretical findings . Secondly some key arithmetic of all digital drive and control system is written and the hardware logical circuit in FPGA is given .

    其次,编写了全数字驱动控制系统中的一些关键 算法,并给出了在FPGA中的硬件逻辑电路图,为全数字驱动控制单元的设计提供了 理论指导。

  • The paper discusses the theoretical arithmetic and the verification on electromotive force during the design of high current switchgear .

    文章对在进行大电流开关柜的设计过程中,如何对电动力问题进行 理论 计算及验证进行了探讨。

  • Theoretical analyses and practical results show that the arithmetic can be accurately used for sensor fault detection and data rebuilding for a wide range of plant thermal processes .

    理论分析和现场实际应用表明,该 算法能够对非线性较为严重的电厂热工过程进行精确的传感器故障检测和重构。

  • A Theoretical Analysis of Combining System from Logical Reasoning to Arithmetic

    逻辑推理与 算术 运算合并系统的 理论分析

  • The measurement of diffraction fringe width the tropism of incident light E and the transverse displacement of CCD are the main factors that influence this precision from the study of theoretical arithmetic and experiment .

    理论 计算和实验表明影响细丝直径测量精度的因素包括:衍射条纹宽度的测量、入射光波E取向和CCD的横向移动等。

  • In this paper theoretical studies on the possible speed in accordance with the arithmetic for the 5km / h values respectively calculated six types of transition speed .

    本文在 理论研究时对可能行车速度按照 等差为5km/h取值,分别针对六种类型的速度过渡进行计算。

  • In this paper it is presented a high efficient and homogeneous pump coupling technology for the high power LD pumped slab laser medium using the diffractive optical element . Theoretical results are simulated using the improved G-S arithmetic .

    提出了一种利用衍射光学元件实现高功率激光二极管(LD)的高效、均匀泵浦耦合板条激光结构介质的 方法,并采用G-S改进 算法进行了 理论计算。

  • According theoretical analysis and computer simulation we can know that the fuzzy control arithmetic can effectively overcome the deficiencies of conventional PID control . At the same time it also improves performance of the large inertia and time delay system .

    理论分析和计算机仿真可知,模糊控制 算法能有效地克服常规PID控制的不足,改善大惯性、大滞后系统的性能。

  • Some Theoretical Models for Understanding Practical Problem in Arithmetic

    算术应用题理解的几个 理论模型

  • Secondly the paper adopts the method of theoretical arithmetic and does volume calculation cover calculation to wireless network based on TD-SCDMA which combines the propagation model of the common city proper and college town in FUZHOU .

    然后结合福州市城区及大学城无线传播环境的分析,并采用 理论 计算的方法,对基于TD-SCDMA技术的无线网络进行了容量估算、覆盖计算等。

  • Through theoretical arithmetic and experimental researches in field we can choose the proper type of combine .

    通过 理论 计算和田间实验研究,得出了三江地区水稻收获的适合机型。

  • For theoretical arithmetic in the range of 600 ~ 1 000 ℃ the open circuit voltages ( OCV ) of cells which used locale and self-mixed UCG coal gas were both greater than 0.70 V that was suitable for SOFC operation voltage .

    理论 计算表明:在600~1000℃的工作温度下,使用实际和自配的UCG煤气的电池的开路电压(OCV)均大于0.70V,符合SOFC电压的工作要求;

  • Theoretical precision analysis of angle measurement was done and practical engineering subdivision arithmetic was presented which meets system requirement for precision .

    对星敏感器测量精度从 理论上进行分析,给出了工程实用的细分 算法,满足系统对精度的需求。

  • This article will introduce design theory theoretical arithmetic of Characteristic Impedance and strict impedance controlling . These are used to ensure impedance matching and achieve PCB reliability to make the product be in a steady state .

    本文从多层PCB板叠层的设计原理、特性阻抗的 计算 方法、严格的阻抗控制,来保证阻抗匹配,实现PCB的可靠性,使产品稳定的工作。

  • On the basis of theoretical analysis for the triangular carrier linear control a new PWM arithmetic based on asymmetric regular sampling is brought forward which is more close to natural sampling and easy to use on-line calculation method .

    在分析三角载波线性控制 原理的基础上,提出基于非对称规则采样的PWM 计算方法。该方法比对称规则采样法更接近自然采样法,同时便于在线实时计算。

  • Linkage Group Analysis Method is used to build the robot kinematics and dynamics model completed the theoretical arithmetic in Matlab circumstance .

    采用杆组分析法建立了机器人各模块的运动学和动力学模型,在Matlab环境下完成了 理论 计算

  • Chapter two serves as a theoretical foundation for introducing locomotive working system and corresponding arithmetic problems as well as basic knowledge about UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) .

    第二章介绍了机车交路的一些 理论基础知识和 算法难点,以及UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage,统一建模语言)的相关知识。

  • It shows that Power Magnetic Bearing with improvement has a higher magnetic flux density of air-gap through theoretical arithmetic and electromagnetic field analysis .

    通过 理论 计算和电磁场有限元分析表明:改进后的动力磁轴承具有较高的气隙磁密,意味着提高了动力磁轴承的输出功率。

  • A solution step in theoretical course knowledge is nest expressed using the arithmetic operators such as SUM TERM and FIELD some complicated FIELD arithmetical operators simplified by variable O which can improve the accurateness and effectiveness of homework correction .

    本文 提出了将学科 理论知识中的解答步骤用 SUM、TERM、FIELD等算子进行嵌套表示,对一些较复杂的FIELD还采用O变量进行化简,从而保证了识别的效率和正确性。

  • Some examples with theoretical answer and engineering-oriented instance show that the arithmetic of this program system is feasible and this program system has been correctly written .

    通过有 理论解的算例和工程实例验证表明,本程序采用的六面体网格剖分 算法是可行的、程序编制是正确的。

  • Based on the adjacency matrix of the network graph the theoretical proof of the topological arithmetic is given .

    以图论中邻接矩阵为基础,给出了该 算法 理论证明。

  • This paper studies the measuring methods of electromagnetic environment of high voltage transmission line and substation combining the theoretical arithmetic and analogy analysis and evaluating the measured electromagnetic environment according to the current national evaluation criteria of electromagnetic environment .

    针对高压输电线、变电站的电磁环境测量方法进行了研究,将电磁场的 理论 计算与类比分析结合起来。并根据目前国家有关的电磁环境评估标准对所测量的电磁环境进行电磁环境评估。