thenar muscles

[医] 鱼际肌

  • The 33 cases ( 45.8 % ) Maximus thenar muscles be found miss nerve potential and recruitment to weaken .

    33例(45.8%)大 鱼际 可见失神经电位,募集反应减弱。

  • Methods : A fully automated incremental stimulating technique was used to estimate the motor unit number of median innervated thenar muscles 60 normal subjects without nerve and muscle disease were detected .

    方法:用自动递增刺激记录技术估测正中神经支配的 鱼际 运动单位数,检测无神经肌肉病变的正常人60名,年龄20~88岁,平均5033±2081岁。

  • Conclusions The normal MUNE of thenar muscles decrease with the increase of age MUNE had good reproducibility and reliability and had great value in quantative diagnosis of MND .

    结论正常人大 鱼际 MUNE随年龄增大下降,MUNE有良好的重复性和可靠性,MUNE对MND的定量诊断有重要意义。

  • 26 patients had thenar and interosseous muscles strength M3 . Only 4 patients had poor results .

    鱼际 及骨间 肌力达M3以上者26例,占86.7%。

  • Methods The thenar and hypothenar muscles were studied in seven ( 14 sides ) adult cadavers .

    方法用 构筑法研究14侧人 鱼际和小鱼际

  • Anatomy of the Nutrient Arteries of Superficial Thenar Muscles


  • Aim To observe the protective effect of femoral nerves transferred to the muscular branches of the thenar and hypothenar muscles on the hand intrinsic muscles .

    目的观察股神经移位至 大小 鱼际 支对手部肌的保护功能。

  • Objective To study the prognosis and classification of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles .

    目的评估 鱼际 爆炸伤的分型及疗效。

  • Classification and treatment of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles A Big Kitchen

    鱼际 爆炸伤的分型及治疗

  • Transplantation of free myo-cutaneous flap of m.extensor digitorum brevis for restoration of the functions of thenar muscles and adductor pollicis

    趾短伸肌皮瓣游离移植术重建手部 鱼际 和拇内收肌功能

  • Conclusions : The MUNE of median nerve innervated thenar muscles recorded by automatic incremental stimulating was 300 ± 83.It might be decreased with the increase of ages esp in persons with the age above 60 years . Age should be taken into consideration in MUNE recording .

    结论:自动递增刺激记录正中神经支配的 鱼际 MUNE为300±83个,随年龄的增大持续性下降,特别在60岁后运动单位数下降明显,运动单位估数应考虑年龄因素。

  • Objective To establish the normal value of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) of thenar muscles to study its relationship with age and test the reproducibility of the technique and its use in MND .

    目的建立 鱼际 运动单位估数(MUNE)正常值并研究与年龄的关系和该技术的重复性及其在运动神经元病(MND)中的应用。

  • Motor unit number estimation of thenar and hypothenar muscles by a fully automated incremental stimulating technique and its use in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    自动递增刺激法运动单位 数及其对 萎缩侧索硬化的临床意义

  • Methods Since 1980 162 cases of explosive wounds of the thenar muscles were treated . According to the severity of injuries explosive wounds of the thenar muscles were divided into three types .

    方法1980年以来,共收治162例 鱼际 爆炸伤,按其损伤程度分为三型,Ⅰ型:损伤限于肌肉表面,仅作清创缝合即可。