text to columns

[计] 文字分列

  • This text utilizes finite element to calculate the relation between hydraulic automatic press columns linking blots precision and surplus preload by contacted analytical method .

    本文利用有限元接触分析方法 陶瓷全自动液压压机 立柱螺栓精度和剩余预紧力的关系进行了计算。

  • You can use text boxes to create the columns .

    您可以使用 文本创建

  • Text operators can then extract structured information from text columns and add them to the output as new columns containing found concepts like names skills dates etc. .

    然后,Text操作器可以从 文本列中提取结构化信息,把它们作为新 (其中包含找到的姓名、技能、日期等概念)添加 输出中。

  • Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text . Do you want to remove the columns in this box in order to copyfit the text ?

    组排文字功能无法用于分栏的 文字。是否 取消此框中的 分栏,以便使用组排文字功能?

  • To distribute text from one column into many columns click Text To Columns on the Data menu .

    要将一列 文本分布至 多列中,可单击数据菜单中的分列命令。

  • To perform an analysis of text in database tables first explore the available information to select the relevant text columns for the analysis .

    要在数据库表中执行 文本分析,首先利用可用的信息 选择要分析的相关文本

  • Tip of the Day : To distribute text from one column into many columns choose ' Text to Columns ' from the Data menu .

    日积月累:选择数据菜单中的分列命令,可将数据由一列分解 多列

  • To convert preformatted HTML text to a table select it and then click text to columns on the data menu .

    要将已经预先设好格式的html文本转换为表格,请选择该 文本,然后单击“数据”菜单上的“ 分列”。

  • In DB2 Express-C9.5.2 Text Search was integrated to the DB2 product and allowed you to perform fast searches on text columns .

    在DB2Express-C9.5.2中, TextSearch已经与DB2产品集成,它允许用户对文本 执行快速搜索。

  • The partno and description columns are the essential text to search and the assembly and model columns serve as groups to further filter results .

    partno和description列是 搜索的主要 文本,而assembly和model 用作进一步过滤结果的组。

  • This innovative direction and thinking led directly to the channel revision is not completely and provisioned effect in 2010.The text based on the study of the theory stress on using the text analysis method it detailed investigation to the research channel columns .

    这样的创新方向和思路直接导致2010年的频道改版并不彻底和足见成效。本文在理论学习的基础上,重点采用 文本分析的方法法, 所研究频道的 栏目进行了细致的考察。

  • The first text cell 's width is set to span the first three columns of the table since you want the invoice total to appear at the bottom of the final column .

    第一个 文本单元格的宽度被设置横跨表的前三 ,因为您需要发票总数出现在最后一列的底部。

  • Indicator of whether a column permission was set . Parse the statement text to determine exactly which permissions were applied to which columns .

    用于指示是否已设置列权限的指示符。分析语句 文本 准确确定哪些权限应用于哪些