year in year out

[jɪr ɪn jɪr aʊt][jə: in jə: aut]


  • My father sits at his desk writing his book year in and year out .

    我父亲 一年到头总坐在写字台旁写他的书。

  • One went this way another went that way . Moving towards the goal and nothing more moving towards it year in year out and still moving towards it after a lapse of fifteen years ? Merely moving towards it means that the goal has not been reached .

    一个人向这面走,另一人向那边走。走向 而已年年走向,一直到十五年还叫走向?走向就是没有达到。

  • In ordinary life we work during the day and sleep at night year in and year out .

    在平常生活中,我们白天工作,晚上休息, 年年如此。

  • We all knuckled down to study just before final exam Year in year out he buried himself in books and studied hard .

    期末考前,我们开始埋头苦读他 成年累月地扎在书堆里苦读。

  • Old Joe toils year in and year out on his small patch of land .

    老乔 一年到头他那一小块地 辛勤劳作。

  • He wears the same suit year in year out .


  • In the Gulf of Mexico trawlers ply back and forth year in year out hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover .

    墨西哥湾的拖捞船 年复一年地来来往往,拉着巨大的拖网,破坏了海床,甚至不给海洋动植物恢复的机会。

  • Year in year out the peasants tell the weeds they are going to dig them up several times a year but the weeds simply won 't listen and keep growing .

    农民 每年都跟那些草 ,就是每年都要锄它几次,那个草根本不听,它还要长。

  • Year in year out he buried himself in books and studied hard .


  • We have visited this island year after year ( year in year out ) and we never get bored .

    我们在这个岛上参观很长 时间,但我们没有 厌烦

  • Year in year out he buried himself in books and studied hard . If one could study at this window on a moonlit night one would not have lived in vain


  • I think she was born with the ability to solve math problems . I myself have toiled year in and year out just to achieve the minimum adequacy .

    我想她天生就擅长解数学题。我自己努力了 多年 达到最起码的程度。

  • With stockbroking it was the same thing year in year out .

    证券经纪工作 每年 重复着一成不变 内容。

  • He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year in and year out .

    他记得这位苏联领导人,当时一 四季每天都穿着同一条裤子。

  • We have been going to the same holiday hotel year in year out ever since we got married .

    自我们结婚后,我们 年年去同一家度假旅馆。

  • This is my mother 's hands is one such year in year out Ganhuo left stamp .

    婆婆的这双手,就是这样 长年累月 外面干活留下的印迹。

  • There she lay year in year out unable to move and with no hope of recovery .


  • The latter is dle-chlorous and sulfurous saline soil its salt content came from the shallow saline ground-water through capillary action and evaporation year in year out .

    后者为亚氯、亚硫酸盐渍土,溶于土中的盐份系浅层咸地下水 常年毛细上升蒸发所致。

  • That 's half your roster year in and year out since General Manager Larry Harris took over .

    自从总经理拉里-哈里斯入主雄鹿 以来年复一年一半的球员就这样流动着。

  • How can someone hour after hour day after day year in and year out tighten approximately the same nut to the same bolt and not go mad ?

    一个人怎么能时复一时, 年复一年 把几乎相同的螺帽拧到相同的螺栓上而不发疯的呢?

  • Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest .


  • And ever since I grew up I 've weighed ten and half to eleven stone year in year out .

    而从我长大成人以来,我的体重 年年147到154磅之间。

  • The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity .

    相同的决心以单调的规律 出现

  • They went on shooting each other year in and year out .

    他们 互相开枪打人。

  • The companies that successfully target this segment have higher sales and larger market shares year in and year out .

    看准了并打进市场区间的企业, 每年 就能有较高的业绩和市场占有率。

  • I 've watched year in and year out as companies have shut down and people have lost their jobs because China has not played by the same rules in part by holding down artificially the value of their currency .

    罗姆尼说:我 年复一年 看到公司关门、人们丢掉自己的工作,原因是中国没有遵守同样的规则,包括人为压低本国货币的币值。

  • This new Strategy recognizes that if we are to improve child survival immunization must be sustained year in and year out .

    这项新战略确认,如果我们要改善儿童生存,必须 每年 全年维持免疫。

  • Year in year out nothing changes


  • It nearly always slips away from one like sand through the fingers like water through a leaky pail unless it is held tight by hard work day by day night by night year in year out .

    除非你能日日夜夜、 年复一年地努力坚守,否则它几乎总会从你身边溜走,就如沙粒从指间滑落,或像水从漏桶流失一样。

  • They go to the same campsite year in year out .

    他们 年年都去同一个营地 野营